All submitted posts will undergo a period of moderation, during which you may be contacted to approve revisions. We aim to respond to submissions within one month, but this may not be possible at peak times. Please email all entries to Aaron Cooper-
Submit a TLEP or PLanT Project Report
A typical report will be approximately 700-800 words in length and will usually be a summary of a University funded project.
Submit a Case Study
Please fill out the T&L Exchange entry submission form (.docx)
For additional advice, please consult the University of Reading House Style guide.
When completing the sections of the form, bear in mind the advice below.
Submit an Informal Account
There are no requirements for informal accounts in terms of format, just that they should be contextualised and critically reflective. For inspiration in this respect, please browse the published informal accounts.
Advice for completing a Case Study
- Only one to two sentences long
- A brief snapshot of the entry, so that anyone viewing it can quickly understand what is covered
- Very briefly outline the major impact of the practice
- Around 50 words in length
- Give objectives in bullet point form
- What was hoped to be achieved by the practice?
- Around 50 words in length
- What caused the practice to be conducted?
- Was it a response to staff or student feedback?
- Give further detail about a specific course, module, etc. so that the context can be understood by users external to the University of Reading
- Around 50 words in length
- Detail the steps taken to undertake the practice
- This should allow users to understand how they would adapt the practice for their own use
- Around 150 words in length
- Did the practice achieve its objectives?
- Did the practice result in other achievements? E.g. better results were achieved on a module, student satisfaction was increased, or staff gained new teaching skills.
- Around 150 words in length
- What made the practice successful?
- Were there ways in which the practice could have been better implemented?
- If this practice was done again, would there be any changes?
- Around 150 words in length
Follow up
- If some time has passed since the conclusion of the practice or its pilot, give details of what has happened since
- Has the practice continued? If not, why not?
- What changes have been made to the practice?
- Has the practice been extended beyond its original remit?
- Around 50 words in length
- These may be a project website, or a link to an article published on the practice
- Categories are used to help navigation of entries with similar content themes
- By selecting categories for your entry, interested users will be able to find your entry
- Consider which of the categories best describe the content of your entry, and select up to four
- Consider if any relevant tags would also help direct interest users to your entry- these can be more specific than categories, please choose up to four