Blackboard Learn Ultra

Collection of Blackboard Learn Ultra Guides.

Content Containers in Ultra: Learning Modules, Folders and Documents

There are three main containers in Blackboard Learn Ultra that will help to organise your materials. Learning Modules and Folders Ultra Documents When organising your materials know that there are only two levels in Learn Ultra course structure. Learning Modules and Folders Learning Modules and Folders are both ways of organising materials on an Ultra

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Journals are a place for students to privately communicate with you or as a self-reflection tool. Students can not view each others entries. Students can make unlimited entries. Creating a Journal  Journal settings Setting up a Graded Journal Commenting on a Journal Creating a Journal To add a journal, hover over the area in the

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YuJa Video link

YuJa is a Learning Capture tool used to record in-class lectures, making screencasts and to provide video storage for teaching and learning. In Blackboard Learn Ultra there are two YuJa LTI tools Videos (YuJa) (creates a link to YuJa) and Insert Video (formally YuJa Media Chooser) (allows you insert YuJa videos into the course) this guide covers YuJa Video

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Reply to a Discussion

As in any discussion you will wish to reply to threads and questions from your students to continue the conversation. How to Reply to a Discussion How to Save a Draft Message How to Reply to a Discussion When accessing discussion threads, you will be presented with a collapsed form of the discussion. To reply

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Class Conversations

Class conversations are similar to Discussions, but are tied to a specific item in the content area. You can choose to activate a class discussion during or after content creation. For example activating these online content conversations as a response to student comments in class to allow a wider discussion on course materials. Where can

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