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We have a new 5 year Travel Plan!

The University has now published its new five-year Travel Plan (2024-2029)

Front page of Travel Plan 2024What is a Travel Plan?

A Travel Plan is a document that outlines the University’s commitments to changing travel behaviour by staff, students and visitors over the next five years.

Why do we need one?

The way we travel affects, and is affected by, our day-to-day lives.

Whilst we understand the environmental and congestion related impacts of polluting forms of transport, our choices are often dictated by personal circumstance.

It is vital that a plan is in place to manage the way that travel can be:

  • As sustainable as possible;
  • As attractive as possible;
  • As efficient and reliable as possible;
  • As resilient as it can be.

A travel plan needs to recognise that some journeys will still be made by higher polluting modes and that it is not possible to remove these altogether.  However, there is much that can be done to encourage more sustainable options wherever possible.

What does it say?

The Travel Plan has been prepared following the last travel survey (January 2024) in which staff and students were given the opportunity to feed back as to how they currently travel, and provide input and suggestions for the University to improve access to sustainable travel options.

It uses this wealth of information to set targets and objectives, which are then set out in a detailed five-year Action Plan. Following the last travel survey, we are able to prioritise actions based on what our staff and students consider the most important. Examples include:

  • Cycle security is a major issue across campus and beyond, and improvements must be attractive and safe with complimentary facilities (such as improved network safety, improved access to lockers and showers) to encourage take-up of cycling;
  • Buses could be more frequent, direct and reliable and work is required with Reading Buses to ensure that they remain fit for purpose;
  • Take-up of Electric Vehicles is continuing at pace and more charge points are required across our campuses;
  • Safety and security is paramount to our campuses remaining attractive places to study and work, and any improvements should prioritise the least polluting forms of transport
  • Parking cannot be overlooked and must be managed in an accessible and fair way.

How do you ensure it isn’t forgotten?

The Travel Plan and its progress, targets and actions will continue to be managed by the Sustainable Travel Officer within the Sustainability Team. Biennial travel surveys will continue, which will be paramount to ensuring ongoing staff and student input and feedback.

What can you do to help?

  • Seek to travel onto campus is the most sustainable way possible, even if just some of the time! If you drive, you may be able to walk, cycle, take public transport or car-share, even just once a week;
  • Keep giving us feedback on how to improve opportunities for sustainable travel. The more feedback we receive, the more we can seek to drive change;

Please take a minute to read the Travel Plan here. If you have any questions or wish to discuss, please contact via
Travel Plan 2024 images

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