The University has a dedicated team to manage sustainability across our campus. In addition, a number of groups, committees and senior management staff have sustainability responsibilities as detailed below (hover over the staff pictures for information on their experience and responsibilities). Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy is reported to the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC), and to the University Executive Board (via ESC), through our annual Environmental Sustainability Report.
Sustainability Staff

Robert Van de Noort, Vice-Chancellor,

Rowan Sutton, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor- Research (Environment),

Anna Glue, Head of Sustainability,

Luke Cantellow, Energy Officer,

Andrew Casselden, Director of Estates,

Dan Fernbank, Energy and Sustainability Director,

Dee Morley, Utilities Finance Officer,
Sustainability Groups and Committees
Campus Operations Programme Board (COPB)
This group is responsible for reviewing the Environment & Energy Management System (EEMS) and supporting the implementation of the system to ensure it meets the ISO14001 and ISO50001 criteria. In addition, the group is responsible for monitoring compliance with environmental related obligations and ensuring that University procedures meet these statutory and voluntary requirements, as well as the objectives set out in the Policy. The Management Review is reported on to the Estates Committee.
Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC)
The ESC is responsible for overseeing the creation and delivery of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy, through the operation of six workstreams; biodiversity & green infrastructure, carbon management, catering commerce & farms, civic & community engagement, education for sustainable development, and waste & resource use. ESC is Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and it reports to the University Executive Board (UEB). The full terms of reference can be requested by emailing Sustainability at Senior Staff from across the University sit on the committee alongside students representing the student body (see our committees list for full details of committee representatives). Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy is reported on to the ESC via our annual Environmental Sustainability Report and via the Management Review for our Environmental and Energy Management System (EEMS).
Estates Committee
The Estates Committee makes recommendations to the University Executive Board (UEB) on strategic decisions in relation to the use and maintenance of the Estate, as well as matters relating to Environmental and Energy Management, building and grounds maintenance, space management and accommodation. The full terms of reference can be requested by emailing Sustainability Services on Senior Staff from across the University sit on the committee alongside student representation (see our committees list for full details of committee representatives).
University Executive Board (UEB)
The University Executive Board consists of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the two Heads of Service, the Chief Financial Officer, and the University Secretary (see our committees list). It meets fortnightly throughout most of the year and reports to Senate and to the Strategy and Finance Committee. Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy are reported to UEB via the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC).