Key Staff and Committees

The University has a dedicated team to manage sustainability across our campus. In addition, a number of groups, committees and senior management staff have sustainability responsibilities as detailed below (hover over the staff pictures for information on their experience and responsibilities). Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy is reported to the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC), and to the University Executive Board (via ESC), through our annual Environmental Sustainability Report.

Sustainability Staff

Robert Van de Noort, Vice-Chancellor,

Robert Van de Noort, Vice-Chancellor,

Robert is responsible for the University's overarching strategy and has integrated sustainability as a core pillar of this. This reflects the level and seniority of the commitment the University has to environmental matters. Progress on sustainability is reported to the University Executive Board, of which Robert is a member. More information on Robert's role at the University and his academic background can be found here:
Photo of Rowan Sutton

Rowan Sutton, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor- Research (Environment),

Professor Sutton joined the University of Reading in 1997. His personal research focuses on ocean-atmosphere interaction, climate variability and change, climate prediction and risk assessment. He held a Royal Society University Research Fellowship from 2001 and 2009, and served as Climate System Theme Leader for NERC between 2007 and 2009. Between 2009 and 2022 he was Director of Climate Science for the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and between 2016 and 2019 was a member of the NERC Science Board. His current roles include Chair of the Met Office Hadley Centre Science Review Group, and Co-Chair of the World Climate Research Programme Lighthouse Activity on Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change.
Anna Glue, Head of Sustainability,

Anna Glue, Head of Sustainability,

Anna leads the University's integrated Environmental & Energy Management System, accredited to ISO 14001 and 50001. Anna is a practitioner member of IEMA & achieved a BSc (hons) in Environmental Biology, with a background in environmental risk & land quality. She has worked on waste management, helping the University achieve its 50% recycling rate. With an in-depth knowledge sustainability, Anna believes that we all need to do our bit to make this world a better place for future generations, and where better to work than a university.
Luke Cantellow, Energy Officer,

Luke Cantellow, Energy Officer,

Luke leads on energy & sustainability awareness/behavioural change initiatives, engaging with staff & students to promote good environmental practices. He maintains the University’s Energy Management System, identifying opportunities for energy & carbon savings, and supporting the management of approved projects. “We find targeting the behaviour of our employees an effective way to reduce the University’s environmental impact. The focus on positive action and teamwork encourages students & staff to be an active part of our community.”
Andrew Casselden, Director of Estates,

Andrew Casselden, Director of Estates,

Andrew has extensive experience: working as a chartered surveyor, building contracting and property consultancy. Sustainability Services for campus falls under Estates remit. Andrew is responsible for developing the University's Estates Strategy. Sustainability is embedded as a core element of this in line with the University's vision to lead the way on environmental matters. This ensures that sustainability is joined up with core estates activities in the context of the 4 interlocking challenges: Experience, Engagement, Environment & Efficiency.
Dan Fernbank, Energy and Sustainability Director,

Dan Fernbank, Energy and Sustainability Director,

Dan leads the Sustainability Services team and the University's estate-wide sustainability programmes, delivering a 46% cut in their carbon emissions and 35% cut in water consumption. Dan is Associate Member of the Energy Institute (AMEI) and sits on the steering group for the Energy Managers Association (EMA). “The University has long been a leader in teaching and research into a more sustainable future. We are proud to be delivering a more sustainable, low carbon estate through the implementation of our Sustainability programmes”.
Photo of Dee Morley

Dee Morley, Utilities Finance Officer,

As a Finance Officer, Dee’s responsibilities revolve around a managing and administering multi-million pound Sustainability budgets. Within the team, she handles various aspects of financial & energy management, ensuring effective utilisation of resources and supporting the university’s sustainability goals. Dee’s primary tasks include invoice processing, preparing annual budgets and forecasting monthly income/expenditures for sustainability initiatives. By analysing financial data and collaborating with relevant stakeholders she contributes to the University’s pursuit of both environmental and financial Sustainability goals.

Sustainability Groups and Committees

Campus Operations Programme Board (COPB)

This group is responsible for reviewing the Environment & Energy Management System (EEMS) and supporting the implementation of the system to ensure it meets the ISO14001 and ISO50001 criteria. In addition, the group is responsible for monitoring compliance with environmental related obligations and ensuring that University procedures meet these statutory and voluntary requirements, as well as the objectives set out in the Policy. The Management Review is reported on to the Estates Committee.

Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC)

The ESC is responsible for overseeing the creation and delivery of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy, through the operation of six workstreams; biodiversity & green infrastructure, carbon management, catering commerce & farms, civic & community engagement, education for sustainable development, and waste & resource use. ESC is Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and it reports to the University Executive Board (UEB). The full terms of reference can be requested by emailing Sustainability at Senior Staff from across the University sit on the committee alongside students representing the student body (see our committees list for full details of committee representatives). Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy is reported on to the ESC via our annual Environmental Sustainability Report and via the Management Review for our Environmental and Energy Management System (EEMS).

Estates Committee

The Estates Committee makes recommendations to the University Executive Board (UEB) on strategic decisions in relation to the use and maintenance of the Estate, as well as matters relating to Environmental and Energy Management, building and grounds maintenance, space management and accommodation. The full terms of reference can be requested by emailing Sustainability Services on Senior Staff from across the University sit on the committee alongside student representation (see our committees list for full details of committee representatives).


University Executive Board (UEB)

The University Executive Board consists of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the two Heads of Service, the Chief Financial Officer, and the University Secretary (see our committees list). It meets fortnightly throughout most of the year and reports to Senate and to the Strategy and Finance Committee. Progress against our sustainability objectives/strategy are reported to UEB via the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC).

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