RED Sustainable Action Award – What is it, and how can you get involved?

Why should you join? Do you want to gain awareness of sustainable issues and opportunities whilst developing your employability skills? Then you should sign up to the Reading Experience and Development (RED) Sustainable Action Award. In doing so you will gain an award that will demonstrate your sustainability awareness and understanding to future employers, evidencing some of the skills that many companies are actively seeking, whilst committing to making the world a better place for all. How do you complete it? To successfully achieve the Award you will need to complete 40 hours of activity across two components (Acquire and Act), with…
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Have you tried the Co-Wheels Car Club?

The University offers two car hire locations where staff can rent cars for as little as 30 minutes through the Co-Wheels Car Club scheme. It’s ideal for both personal and business trips, helping to reduce the need to bring your own car to campus, while cutting down on costs and easing parking demands. To use the Co-wheels Car Club, follow these instructions: Step 1: Become a Member Sign up online to gain access to over 600 vehicles across the UK, including those located at UoR. Join the University’s business account to book cars for work and add a personal account for…
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Park and Ride – FREE travel for staff and students from Mereoak (Junction 11 of the M4)

Do you travel from Mereoak to University? If you do, did you know that we can save you money, and reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles (SOVs) on the road, therefore reducing traffic, and urban air pollution and emissions, all at the same time. This is all possible due to Park and Ride, a free sustainable travel option from Mereoak (Junction 11 of the M4, RG7 1WJ) to either Whiteknights campus or London Road campus. Between September and December 2024, we saw approximately 2000 journeys being made using Park and Ride, and we want all staff and students to know they can…
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The Whiteknight 20, A Great Success!

Did you know that a new bus service launched in September 2024, the Whiteknight 20! This express service, developed by Reading Buses, between Reading Town Centre and train station and Whiteknights Campus runs up to every 10 minutes, and only has a travel time of 15 minutes or less. Since launching 4 months ago, we can already see the positive impact the Whiteknight 20 has had during Semester 1. Bus usage has increased by approximately 10% (compared to the 21/21a last year), and punctuality has increased from being on time 64%-81% of the time to being on time between 85%…
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