Energy Data

ENERGY ACROSS UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES The University of Reading has invested in game changing metering across Whiteknights campus, providing half hourly electricity readings for each building. We're working on bringing other buildings, submeters, and heat meters online too in the very near future, but if you have any questions or would like access to data for your own research, please get in touch by emailing or using the forms below. Please be aware that a data request may take up to 28 working days or longer in some cases so we appreciate your patience.
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Green Festival 2016 – A look back…

Last week the University celebrated all things sustainable with its first Green Festival. Running from Wednesday 16 – Saturday 19 November there were a number of events including tours of the University’s state of the art energy centre, a careers event for students to explore environmental jobs and the ever popular Blackout event. We are delighted to say that many of the events were over-subscribed, demonstrating the passion and enthusiasm staff and students have at the University for green issues. During the week over 50 staff and students visited joined one of the Energy Centre or Carrington building tours and…
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Interning with Sustainability Services

Over the summer, we hired two interns to help develop a platform to display our new and improved energy data. It is important for us to engage with staff & students, to inform them about their consumption as they are both primary users. As a result of 10 weeks of designing, editing and planning, we are proud to be launching our new very soon. About the interns (name, course, career aspirations) Abi: 1st year student reading Geography (Human & Physical); hoping to work in the environmental sector or continue in further studies. Adam: recent graduate; Applied Statistics, wanting to become…
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Extracting carbon savings from our science labs

The University's programme of energy efficiency improvements to its fume cupboards has been recognised by 3 national sustainability awards: S-Lab Awards 2017 - winner in the Laboratory Environmental Improvement Category - EAUC Green Gown Awards 2016 - winner in the Facilities & Services category - Love Energy Savings Awards 2016 - winner in the Stars of the Future category - Following a successful £250,000 pilot scheme in 2014, the University carried out a complete review of all its 252 fume cupboard facilities.  A further £768,000 has been invested during 2015/16, partly funded by a 0% loan from the Higher Education…
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On campus this month: creating better places to study and work

We had an amazing Green Week and we hope you did too. Work to reduce the University’s carbon emissions doesn’t stop there. Over the next few weeks, we will be making improvements to how some of our buildings are heated. Many of you have spoken to our team about this issue; we have listened to what you said and we are taking action as a direct result. Getting our timing right We are adjusting the times that the heating comes on and off in our buildings, so that we’re heating space when buildings are occupied. This work will happen behind…
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