Simpler Recycling across the country

New legislation has come into force in England that will affect the way that waste and recycling collections are undertaken from homes and businesses in the next few years. The Separation of Waste (England) Regulations 2024 was brought into force in May 2024 and has been given the working name ‘Simpler Recycling’ by the Government, in order to publicise the details to the general public. The aim of Simpler Recycling is to make recycling easier; so, in theory, everyone will be able to recycle the same materials across England whether at home, work, school, hospital or university etc. and will no…
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Reuse & Recycle Service: A Sustainable IT Equipment Lifecycle Solution

The Reuse & Recycle (R&R) Service is a free, environmentally friendly initiative designed to help departments at the University properly dispose of unwanted IT equipment, from working computers to damaged peripherals. Overseen by the Device Lifecycle team, this service ensures that outdated or nonfunctional devices are either reused within the University or responsibly recycled in compliance with environmental legislation. The Sustainability team have been working with the Device Lifecycle team over the last 18 months to develop and launch this service. What Does the Service Offer? The R&R Service is open to all University departments and allows them to request…
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The soft plastics conundrum

Soft flexible plastic is everywhere – it wraps our bread, vegetables, pet food and many more everyday items. It is designed to be lightweight and to protect items from damage, and keep them fresh; but most of it is single-use and is not generally recycled by local councils as part of weekly kerbside collections. Supermarkets have begun to offer soft plastic recycling services to try and ensure that this material is collected and recycled where possible. These stores have a distinct advantage in this area as they are able to use their empty delivery trucks to transport soft plastics back…
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Focus on waste and resource use

The University of Reading has a fantastic track record on waste and resource use – in 2023 we were ranked the best University in the UK and Europe for UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12: Responsible Consumption and Reduction (please see this blog for further details). We divert 98.8% of waste from landfill – up from 98.3% last year. We now produce 41kg of waste per person on campus – which is down from 62kg in 2015/16, 35% below our 2015/16 baseline. 62% of our waste was reused or sent for recycling or composting in 2022/23. Further information about our…
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Reading places 1-2-3 in Europe for work towards UN Sustainable Development Goals

University of Reading has been ranked as the best university in the UK and Europe for championing responsible consumption and production in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023. It has also been ranked second in the UK and Europe for climate action and third for research and education linked to protecting life on land. Compiled by THE, these rankings map how universities around the world are committing to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a global call to action to tackle some of today’s biggest global issues, such as poverty, climate change and inequality.…
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Re-use and our local community

The re-use of resources is really important to the University of Reading, from both a financial and environmental perspective. The University of Reading has adopted a Re-Use policy which embeds the importance of seeking “to promote re-use of items that are still fit for purpose and in good condition”..”as a preferred alternative to disposal/recycling and as an environmentally friendly alternative to buying new”. The policy sets out a re-use hierarchy which gives internal re-use within the University the priority, then re-use within the local community, which is then followed by re-use by staff or students for personal use. Surplus furniture…
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Fast fashion: A quick way to drive climate change

Going out shopping or purchasing new clothes online for your next holiday or party may seem like an enjoyable past time for many, from which the action of buying something new is exciting. Most will overlook any wider impact and be either unaware or uneducated surrounding the implications of fast fashion. Making high turnaround fashion lines at a cheap cost, accounts for 8-10% of global emissions, 92 million tonnes of waste, and a staggering amount of water and pollutants each year. The UK is the world’s leading fast fashion consuming country, with the average Briton spending almost 1k on the…
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Make your plate happy: reducing food waste at UoR

Introduction Our Bars & Dining team are devoted to enforcing sustainable efforts to boost our eco-system. We understand that tackling food waste is a challenge for many within the hospitality sector, but not for us. The University operates all Catering Services in-house, for the benefit of staff and students. We have already implemented processes to divert food waste across our main dining outlets across campus (i.e Park Eat, The Dairy, The Square, St Patrick’s and Wantage Dining Hall) so that we can eliminate our landfill waste to be used as regenerative fuel across campus and beyond. What we are doing…
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Food Waste at the University of Reading

Here at the University of Reading, we understand that dealing correctly with unwanted food is an essential aspect of our waste management strategy to minimise the amount generated and sent to landfill. The University operates all Catering Services in-house, for the benefit of staff and students. Already, the University has processes in place to divert food waste from our main dining locations on campus (such as Park Eat, The Dairy and The Square) away from landfill and into energy generation. Current action to tackle food waste at the University The University’s catering team is committed to reducing food waste by…
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How to have a more sustainable Christmas

The festive break is fast approaching and Sustainability Services wanted to share with you some top tips about how to have a more sustainable Christmas. Many of these tips will also save you money! Presents Think about quality over quantity – every year Christmas does generate many unwanted gifts. If you’re still wondering what to get for someone, why not think about an experience like a night out at the theatre, adopting their favourite animal, buying a subscription to a vegetable box or consider a charity membership such as the National Trust. If you do have unwanted gifts, consider donating…
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