A-to-Z of Waste and Recycling

A: Aerosols, Aluminium Cans/Foil, Asbestos Waste, Appliances. more Aerosols On Campus: Some aerosols are categorised as hazardous waste, so please DO NOT put aerosols into any bins on campus.  If the aerosol has been used for University business purposes, contact Sustainability Services for recycling information (disposal is chargeable to the department). Off Campus: Check with your local council, as some may permit empty household aerosols to be placed in the mixed recycling. Alternatively, take to your household waste recycling centre. Ensure that the aerosol is completely empty before you decide to recycle it. Do not pierce, crush or flatten the aerosol before…
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Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Waste is defined as hazardous if it contains materials or substances that are harmful to human health or the environment. The University is considered to be a hazardous waste 'producer' under the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005.  Therefore the correct procedures and facilities need to be in place to ensure we are managing our waste appropriately, legally and safely. Safety Code of Practice 48: Hazardous Waste   -  This University Code of Practice provides information about what is defined as hazardous waste plus the correct management and disposal processes that need to be applied at the University of Reading. Technical Guidance WM3:…
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Let’s Reuse More

From both a financial and an environmental perspective, re-using resources at the University is really important; so we have established various different schemes to help re-use materials, items and equipment.  Find out more about the schemes and how to get involved below: Re-use it with Warp-it Warp-it is an on-line portal for members of staff to help you offer unwanted items to other Schools/Functions; and search for items to claim for business use. or LINK GOES STRAIGHT TO WARP-IT PORTAL Re-use it with UniGreenScheme UniGreenScheme is able to help members of staff find new homes (outside the University) for unwanted…
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Waste Disposal Request, Skips and More…

Online Disposal Request You can book a waste collection via the Online Disposal Request Form whilst working on campus and connected directly to the University network, but please note that this may not be available when working from home or off-site. more details Book a waste collection via the Online Disposal Request Form for the following items:  ✔  Furniture, bags of confidential waste, pallets, non-IT electrical equipment, bulky waste.  These items will be collected by the portering team and re-used or recycled where possible before disposal. Please do not use the online form for the following items; you must contact waste@reading.ac.uk directly if you…
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Resource Use, Recycling and Waste

To view this video with captions, please view on our YouTube channel by following this link. LET'S GET IT SORTED... Did you know that only 1% by weight of the University's day-to-day operational waste goes to landfill? Certain types of materials, such as asbestos, have to be sent to specialist landfill facilities, but 99% doesn't go to landfill. Over 62% of our waste is sent for recycling (including repair, re-use, anaerobic digestion & composting). Most of our non-recyclable waste is sent to an Energy from Waste plant where it is burnt to generate heat and electricity, which is then passed into…
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Extracting carbon savings from our science labs

The University's programme of energy efficiency improvements to its fume cupboards has been recognised by 3 national sustainability awards: S-Lab Awards 2017 - winner in the Laboratory Environmental Improvement Category - http://www.effectivelab.org.uk/2017-s-lab-awards.html EAUC Green Gown Awards 2016 - winner in the Facilities & Services category - http://www.sustainabilityexchange.ac.uk/green_gown_awards_2016_facilities_and_services_7 Love Energy Savings Awards 2016 - winner in the Stars of the Future category - https://www.loveenergysavings.com/the-love-energy-awards/ Following a successful £250,000 pilot scheme in 2014, the University carried out a complete review of all its 252 fume cupboard facilities.  A further £768,000 has been invested during 2015/16, partly funded by a 0% loan from the Higher Education…
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