Food waste recycling
Good news, we are rolling-out food waste recycling bins during 2025! You can recycle food waste in special food waste recycling bins around campus buildings. Please look for the dedicated food waste recycling points in and near cafés, catering outlets, and key locations such as foyers, kitchenettes and common areas (there is a list of current locations below so you can find your closest bin).
Food waste recycling bins have green labels. Please don't put packaging in the food waste recycling bins - this should be put in general waste.
What can be put in the food waste recycling bins?
All kinds of raw and cooked food waste can be put in these bins, plus tea bags and coffee grounds.
What happens to food waste that is put in the bins?
It gets taken to an Anaerobic Digestion facility, which is different to a composting facility. Not all types of raw food are allowed to be sent to composting facilities.
Why are clear plastic bags being used in the bins rather than compostable or biodegradable bags?
Compostable bags do not degrade quickly enough within an Anaerobic Digestion facility, so have to be removed at the start of the process, along with all other types of packaging and bags, which are then sent for incinerate to generate electricity. Clear plastic bags are less likely to leak when put into recycling bins on campus, compared to using compostable bags. It is easier to see contamination in clear plastic bags than in opaque compostable bags.
Where's my closest food waste recycling bin?
Food waste recycling bins are currently located at:
- LG floor – café
- UG floor – main foyer
Allen Lab
Blandford Lodge
- Ground floor foyer
- First floor foyer
- Ground floor – Foyer
- 1st Floor – seating area
As part of recycling stations
Edith Morley
- Ground floor – foyer outside the café
- Ground floor – tower, outside lift
- 1st Floor – foyer at Van Emden lecture theatre
- 1st Floor – tower staircase, in seating area
- 2nd Floor – outside SACLL (room 230)
- 2nd Floor – tower staircase, in seating area
- 3rd Floor – tower staircase, in seating area
Foxhill House
Student Common Room
Harry Nursten
Link Corridor to Chemistry
Harry Pitt, Psychology and Meteorology
- Ground floor – Harry Pitt reception
- 1st Floor – Meteorology, inside 1L61
- 1st Floor – Meteorology common room/tea point
- 1st Floor – Harry Pitt student common room 155
- 1st Floor – Meteorology, outside room 1U12
- 2nd Floor – Psychology, outside room 2U04
Health & Life Sciences
Ground floor - next to café & Cole Museum
Henley Business School (Whiteknights)
- Ground floor – next to café
- Ground floorr – next to Lecture Theatre
- Ground floor – opposite seating/next to staircase
- 1st Floor – study space seating
- 2nd floor – study space seating
Henley Business School (Greenlands) – Re-useable cup scheme in place
Ground floor foyer
- Usually opposite cafe counter - may be moved during events
- In open seating area
IT Services / DTS – see JJ Thompson
JJ Thompson, Maths and IT/DTS
- LG floor outside Slingo and Ditchburn lecture theatres
- Ground floor – JJ Thompson support hub
- Ground floor – Maths building, near IT/DTS link corridor
- 2nd Floor – JJ Thompson print room 206
Various locations across the floors; and at the in-built recycling points in the Café
London Road - Architecture
- Ground floor by Café
- Upstairs in large lecture/workshop space
London Road - MERL
MERL have their own scheme in place; please ask staff for assistance
London Road - other buildings
- L14 Student study space
- The Dairy will accept cups which were sold from their café - hand your cup back to staff for recycling
- L16 foyer/reception
- L22 main entrance
- L33 main entrance
Ground floor near kitchenette/classroom
Maths – see JJ Thompson
Meteorology – see Harry Pitt
Main entrance foyer, near vending machines
Ground floor near staircase
Old Whiteknights House
Ground floor main entrance hall
- Foyer (by main entrance)
- Foyer (in middle of open area
Park Eat
Near built in recycling stations
Polly Vacher
Ground floor, next to water fountain
Psychology – See Harry Pitt
Russell Building
Ground floor foyer
Various locations inc. in Starbucks Café
In Café at main entrance
St Patrick's Hall Shamrock Cafe
At recycling station
Staff Common Room, Park House
In Staff Common Room Lounge, on 1st floor
Outside Department of Art office
Far end of corridor near Student Study space
Main foyer
Near room 126
Wantage Hall Kitchen
At recycling station in eatery
Whiteknights House
Ground floor foyer, near vending machines/Security office