Sustainability Champions Network

Sustainability Champions Network As part of the Our Future First sustainable behaviours programme, a network of sustainability champions has been set up across all schools and functions with the University. Champions are volunteers who care about sustainability and want to work collaboratively to make a positive difference, helping to reduce the environmental impact of their department and the University. Our champions are integral to the Our Future First programme - they inspire others; influence departmental decisions to factor in sustainability; act as our 'eyes and ears' across campus to identify opportunities for improvements; and share ideas, listen and learn from…
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Our Future First

Our Future First is the University’s sustainable behaviours programme which will embed sustainability into our culture, with everyone playing their part to create collective, positive change for our community and our planet. Why: To address the dual challenges of meeting our sustainability commitment to become Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and tackling rapidly rising energy costs. Who: Develop a network of sustainability champions across all schools and fucntions on Whiteknights, London Road and Greenlands. How: Collaborate, listen, share, teach, learn, inspire, connect, evolve, celebrate - everyone working together to take small actions which collectively have a big impact. We can…
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Sustainability Volunteering

MAKE A DIFFERENCE We all have our part to play in transitioning to a more sustainable future. If you're feeling inspired to help make a difference, why not take action and join a sustainable volunteering group. There are plenty of options to choose from both on campus and in the local area, enabling you to give back, support the cause and ultimately make a contribution to reducing the environmental impact on our planet. Not only will you be helping the environment, volunteering can provide an opportunity to meet like minded people, learn new skills, and studies have shown that it…
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