Let’s Reuse More

From both a financial and an environmental perspective, re-using resources at the University is really important; so we have established various different schemes to help re-use materials, items and equipment.  Find out more about the schemes and how to get involved below: Re-use it with Warp-it Warp-it is an on-line portal for members of staff to help you offer unwanted items to other Schools/Functions; and search for items to claim for business use. or LINK GOES STRAIGHT TO WARP-IT PORTAL Re-use it with UniGreenScheme UniGreenScheme is able to help members of staff find new homes (outside the University) for unwanted…
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Resource Use, Recycling and Waste

To view this video with captions, please view on our YouTube channel by following this link. LET'S GET IT SORTED... Did you know that less than 2% by weight of the University's operational waste goes to landfill? Certain types of materials, such as asbestos, have to be sent to specialist landfill facilities, but more than 98% doesn't go to landfill. Over 60% of our waste is sent for recycling (including re-use, anaerobic digestion & composting). Most of our non-recyclable waste is sent to an Energy from Waste plant where it is burnt to generate heat and electricity. Find out more about…
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