Appendices Environmental Report 2019 – 20

1 - Carbon Management Scope 2 - CMP project tables 2019-20 3 - Emissions+energy breakdown vs baseline and last year 4 - Additional out of scope emissions 5 - Avoided emissions through renewable generation 6 - Waste management actions and projects 7 - 2019 20 Travel Plan Annual Report
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Appendices Environmental Report 2018-19

1 - Carbon Management Scope 2 - Carbon+Water projects 2018-19 and 2019-20 3 - Emissions+energy breakdown vs baseline and last year 4 - Additional out of scope emissions 5 - Avoided emissions through renewable generation 6 - Waste management actions and projects 7 - Travel Plan Annual Report 2018-19
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Sustainable university living

I’ve escaped from my desk to come and sit in Park Eat café/bar to write this article. Immediately I arrive, I’m confronted with an environmental dilemma. I’ve brought my Sustain It mug (of course!) for a cup of tea, but realise I can’t get any milk out of the machine because my cup isn’t chipped. The catering staff offer to put some milk in a paper cup. I insist I don’t want a paper cup and they insist it’s no bother. How should I respond? Back down politely and take the cup, or stick to my green guns and insist…
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Reporting issues and flytipping

General issues Spotted lots of litter?  Issues with overflowing wheelie bins or internal bins?  Let us know at Reporting flytipping If you catch someone flytipping rubbish on University premises, phone Security Services immediately on 0118 378 7799.  Let them know what you have seen and follow their advice. Before you take any other action, make sure it is safe to do so.  Be extremely careful as some wastes can be hazardous.  Do not open black bags or drums, and be aware that waste could be contaminated or hiding dangerous materials (e.g. asbestos or needles).  Take photos - but if…
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Where Does Our Waste Go?

To view this video with captions, please view on our YouTube channel by following this link. This page provides information on how our waste is managed, who manages it and where it goes. - For more information on what you can recycle or how to handle your waste, consult the Waste and Recycling A-Z. - For any clarification or further information do not hesitate to contact Dry Mixed Recycling - cans, plastic bottles, tins, paper etc. Once dry mixed recycling is placed in the recycling bins it is collected by the cleaners and porters and then placed in various wheelie bins…
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What can I recycle?

In the recycling bins with blue lids/labels: Paper Newspapers Magazines Cardboard (flattened) Envelopes NO paper cups NO plastics NO polystyrene NO hardback books NO glass NO food & liquid In the recycling bins with green lids/labels: Drinks cans (empty) Tins (empty) Plastic bottles (empty) Plastic cups (empty) Plastic containers (clean) Paper & Card NO paper cups NO glass NO polystyrene NO food NO liquids More details about plastic types (external website) In the recycling bins for Food Waste: Leftover food Fruit skins and peelings Meat and fish (raw or cooked) Tea bags Coffee grounds NO packaging NO paper cups NO glass…
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A-to-Z of Waste and Recycling

A: Aerosols, Aluminium Cans/Foil, Asbestos Waste, Appliances. more Aerosols On Campus: Some aerosols are categorised as hazardous waste, so please DO NOT put aerosols into any bins on campus.  If the aerosol has been used for University business purposes, contact Sustainability Services for recycling information (disposal is chargeable to the department). Off Campus: Check with your local council, as some may permit empty household aerosols to be placed in the mixed recycling. Alternatively, take to your household waste recycling centre. Ensure that the aerosol is completely empty before you decide to recycle it. Do not pierce, crush or flatten the aerosol before…
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Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Waste is defined as hazardous if it contains materials or substances that are harmful to human health or the environment. The University is considered to be a hazardous waste 'producer' under the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005.  Therefore the correct procedures and facilities need to be in place to ensure we are managing our waste appropriately, legally and safely. Safety Code of Practice 48: Hazardous Waste   -  This University Code of Practice provides information about what is defined as hazardous waste plus the correct management and disposal processes that need to be applied at the University of Reading. Technical Guidance WM3:…
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