As we head towards our centenary, we are not only reflecting on our past but looking towards the future. Ours is a global, shared future in which we equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to help build a sustainable future for all. Our Partnering for the Planet website provides climate science facts and actions, to help educate and raise awareness for all.
Sustainability has become a cornerstone of our University Strategy and is one of the four principles informing our work. Our Executive Board has agreed that, as one of our priorities, we will embed environmental sustainability across both our curriculum and staff training programmes.

In 2021 the University agreed a proposal to further embed sustainable development in our curriculum. The Steering Group set up to oversee this work reports to our main Teaching and Learning committee and is sponsored by one of our Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Education and Student Experience), Professor Peter Miskell. The Steering Group is working toward the following goals:
- That all graduates of the University will have a fundamental understanding of the concepts related to Sustainable Development
- That our students are enabled and empowered to become effective in positively contributing to sustainability problem-solving in their lives, professions, and communities
Currently, all students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the concepts related to Sustainable Development through access to key University-wide modules and co- or extra-curricular activities such as the RED Award (with many students choosing to take up volunteering opportunities with organisations like ZSL Instant Wild, Reading Climate Action Network and Zooniverse).
Building on this success, the University launched the RED Sustainable Action Award which is dedicated to encouraging learning, action and advocacy for sustainability, open to all students and with an expanded portfolio of projects in which to participate.
In 2023 Reading University Students’ Union held its first Reading University Student Sustainability Summit, which saw students, staff and alumni from a range of disciplines present their research on topics associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The University also supported a newly formed student led society, the Reading Environmental Crisis Community (RECC).
Our University Strategy drives our teaching and learning initiatives and enhancements. Sustainable development is implicit within our priorities to deliver excellence through the Curriculum Framework and its focus on developing global engagement and multicultural awareness as a graduate attribute, and the underpinning academic principles of diversity, inclusivity and global perspectives.
The Curriculum Framework was revised in the Summer 2021 and includes a statement on ESD as part of the Graduate Attribute “Global and future-facing outlook”. The updated attribute indicates that our graduates should be equipped with the skills to “positively contribute to addressing sustainability issues within the context of their discipline, their personal lives, professions and communities.”
Additionally, the revised Curriculum Framework expands Principle 4: Sustainable to include a statement that “programmes integrate education for sustainable development appropriate to the discipline”, which is achieved by “embedding opportunities and empowering students to engage with environmental, social and economic challenges within their programme and beyond.”
Providing a framework for ESD
The University Board for Teaching and Learning and Student Experience (UBTLSE) has a sub-committee: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), chaired by a senior academic, Dr Stuart Black. The ambition to embed environmental sustainability across our curriculum and staff training programmes aligns with one of the objectives of our educational strategy “to strive for enhanced global environmental sustainability” and one of our graduate attributes of “global engagement and multicultural awareness.”
In developing our framework for ESD across the University we are working towards;
- Ensuring that ESD is the business of all subjects at the University but experienced in a way that is authentic to the discipline. This will be done by underpinning approaches to ESD with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the overarching framework, though with special recognition of the University's expertise in Climate Action (SDG13) and environmental sustainability (where appropriate).
- Ensuring that a bespoke online course and University-Wide Module (UWM) is developed and made available to provide a comprehensive grounding in climate and environmental sustainability for all students. During academic year 2023/24 a project group was established to develop this new online course and work is well under way.
Examples of best practice in delivering ESD
As part of the FutureLearn Campus initiative, students enjoy free unlimited access to a collection of short online courses developed by experts from the University of Reading and partners from EIT Food and the Royal Meteorological Society. The courses deal with topics as diverse as cutting food waste, teaching climate and sustainability in primary schools and using systems thinking to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis. Completion of one or more of these courses also counts towards the 'acquire' element of the RED Sustainable Action Award.
In addition to key modules embedded in programmes on climate change and sustainability, several existing modules are available to all students. Examples include:
- The Department of Meteorology offer an optional module, MT2CCC Climate Change: Causes and Consequences, aimed at all students, not just those studying the sciences. Students can learn directly from our worldwide experts about why the climate is changing, how we can avoid the most devastating consequences, and what we can do to adapt as the planet warms.
- The School of Archaeology, Geography and Environment Sciences provides students both within and outside of their School access to modules on environmental and social issues linked to climate. These include GV1GC Global Challenges: a Planet in Crisis, GV3CCR Climate Change and the Geographies of Responsibility and GV3CPS Consumption, Politics and Space.
- Our Institute of Education has applied its Climate Education and Sustainability Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Framework to all its initial teacher training programmes, so that all its trainees are empowered to effectively incorporate climate education and sustainability within their teaching across all levels and subjects as part of the National Climate Education Action Plan. Our Institute of Education students learn about what is happening with the climate and how to help children to learn about climate and sustainability, climate justice and the impact of changes to our environment and climate, as well as how to translate that knowledge and theory into purposeful action.
Supporting staff to deliver the ESD Agenda
Our Academic Development and Enhancement Team offers a wealth of training opportunities, many of which are linked to the principles of the Curriculum Framework, which includes the principle:
Programmes integrate education for sustainable development appropriate to the discipline. This is achieved by embedding opportunities and empowering students to engage with environmental, social and economic challenges within their programme and beyond.
In 2021 we introduced a range of training sessions to support this principle, including a session called ‘Establishing Education for Sustainable Development’ and another called ‘Mainstreaming Sustainability Teaching’.
The University is currently undergoing a Portfolio Review (as party of our Strategy Implementation Project), and our Academic Development and Enhancement Team will be working with Schools to implement new Programme Expectations which will be underpinned by the principles in the revised Curriculum Framework. Schools are being asked to review their programmes and undertake a ‘Programme Visioning’ exercise which will encourage them to consider how ESD is embedded in their programmes.
We also offer spaces for staff to discuss practices and concepts relating to the delivery of teaching and learning. Our Academic Development and Enhancement Team facilitates a number of Teaching and Learning fora for the sharing of ideas and best practice. Our School Directors of Teaching and Learning Lunches, Programme Director Community of Practice, and work with Programme Teams provide spaces for participant-led discussions about key topics of interest.
The Academic Development and Enhancement Team continue to provide support to Schools as they engaged in ESD in the redesign and refresh of their programmes. At the start of our ESD journey we invited Dr Alison Grief, Director of Education and for Sustainability at Anglia Ruskin University, to lead a guided discussion about education for sustainable development at our National Teaching Fellow/Principal Fellow Community of Practice. This event has been a catalyst for wider discussions as the Fellows disseminated the ideas amongst their colleagues.
Additional Funding for ESD Projects
The University provides funding to projects designed to enhance our Teaching and Learning provision. The funding criteria for the awards ask applicants to align them with the University’s strategic priorities (including sustainability). The University makes awards on an annual basis and has seen an increase in applications with a sustainability or ESD focus. The University Teaching & Learning Enhancement Projects (TLEP) scheme offers 'start-up' funding of up to £2,500 to encourage and enable staff involved in teaching or supporting teaching and learning to experiment and develop practice.
Previously funded projects have included the Bee Meadow Project (to create an evolving living laboratory for the Institute of Education), a project to explore the further use of University campuses as living laboratories for Education for Sustainable development, and a project on co-constructing and evaluating the national Climate Education and Sustainability Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Framework across programmes at the Institute of Education.
In addition, we recently initiated the scoping for a series of outdoor teaching spaces to be implemented on the University campuses. We imagine these to have a strong sustainable leaning and to embrace the ethos and the aims of our ESD approaches. We aim to establish these teaching spaces such that they can be used by both teaching staff, students and the wider community and will be designed in such a way to enhance and embed our principles and commitment to a sustainable future.
The findings from these activities will inform and support the wider adoption of ESD across the University’s teaching and learning activities.
Acceptance of research funding
The University has published criteria for the acceptance of research funding, gifts, donations and sponsorship via external partnerships in addition to our Ethical Fundraising Policy.
ESD for the Real World - Students Applying Their Knowledge
Environmental research is centre-stage at the University of Reading. Over two-hundred academics and hundreds of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students come together within our Environment research theme to explore, understand, and address the challenges of environmental changes, both natural and those shaped by humans.
We are working to maximise the opportunities for collaboration between our students, staff and community partners to apply insightful and innovative research across our campuses and in our local area to meet the challenges that our world is facing.
We have embedded sustainability into a number of projects within our Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP). The following are examples of recent UROP projects with a sustainable focus. The projects last six weeks over the summer break. Students involved in UROP receive a bursary of £1,320. Since 2006, the University of Reading has supported over 800 students with their projects.
2024 UROP Projects
- Social media debates and Greenium
- Sinking Islands, Climate Refugees, and International Law Challenges
- Effect of climate change on tropical precipitation: uncertainty.
- Understanding the types and characteristics of clouds during the Indian summer monsoon
- Attitudes to Climate Change within Psychology Teaching
- Come rain or drought: working together to tackle sewage pollution for the River Mole in Surrey.
- Cycling in and around Reading: An investigation into cycle routes and cyclists' exposure to air pollution
- Evaluating Generative AI's Accuracy in Assessing Climate Change Hazards
- Determinants of renewable energy adoption in agriculture: An analysis based on the Farm Business Survey
- Bread Habits: understanding bread waste behaviour by households
- Developing sustainable cultivation practices in horticulture research
- Exogenous plant hormone applications - can they help wheat endure drought?
- Does silvoarable farming promote soil health?
- Precision Apiculture
- Design for Sustainable Behaviour: Feedback Interventions to Reduce Institutional Electricity Consumption
- Disaggregating Electricity Consumption Data Using Device Signatures
- Mapping the performance of building energy systems to bridge the performance gap
- Studying optical and thermal signatures of the tree canopy-urban surface systems
- Sustainability implications of future food production methods
- Synthesis of cost effective, high performance thermoelectric materials for green energy applications.
2023 UROP Projects
- Characterising Peruvian soils for projecting crop yields under future climate change
- Effect of climate change on North Atlantic Ocean temperature and effects worldwide
- Evaluating vegetation in the UK Earth System Model (UKESM) using Machine Learning
- A University of Reading (UoR) and Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) collaboration for a sustainable future in speech and language therapy.
- Examining meteorological data from high-elevation environments
- Controlling mould to protect children's health
- Investigating ecosystem failure in Greenmoor Ponds in Woodcote, South Oxfordshire, for Ecological restoration
- The influence of grazing on comparisons between natural and restored saltmarshes
- Measuring drought effects in potato using 3D multispectral imaging
- Can Earth Observation facilitate sustainable development of livestock production?
- Quantifying the impacts of landscape heterogeneity and habitat availability on farmland bird communities
- Assessing the impacts of environmental enrichment on Dairy calf welfare
- Do frost-sensitive cover crops promote earthworms and increase soil carbon and yield in UK arable farms?
- Food labelling for sustainability
- The effects of wildflower habitat on commercial apple pests and their natural enemies
- Mitigating climate change: how fungal interactions augment soil carbon-sequestration
- Examining daily patterns in time-use behaviour in the United Kingdom from 1974 to 2014
- Spectral signatures of the solar irradiance within the tree canopy shade
- Studying the effect of ventilation policies on exposure to indoor pollution
- Associations between environmental microbiome and human activities.
- How green is a healthy diet?
2022 UROP Projects
- Repurposing town centres: The case of the Reading cycle parking hub
- The contribution of trees on farms to soil carbon
- Variability of Drought-Stress Markers in Potato
- Supporting small-scale farmer adaptation to changing temperatures
- What drives differences in apple pollinator communities in different regions of the UK?
- Farm assurance schemes as knowledge hubs for sustainable agriculture
- How do regenerative farming practices affect belowground biodiversity in UK arable farms?
- Natural enemies, pests and climate change: monitoring the functional response of Anthocoris nemoralis under future climate.
- The effects of wildflower habitat on commercial apple pests and their natural enemies.
- Assessing the impact of land-use on soil carbon storage in a managed landscape
- Carbon (dis)benefits of face-to-face, online and blended education
- Evolution and Diversification on a Green Planet (2 x students)
- Characterising changes in simulated Euro-Atlantic climate extremes at stabilised global warming levels
- Early warning system for extreme precipitation over Southeast Asia
- Role of abrupt changes in North Atlantic Ocean temperature on future changes in West African precipitation
- The impact of decarbonisation of heating systems on urban microclimate, energy, and environmental performance of buildings during the transitional period to net-zero carbon in 2050
- Do tree clustering arrangements affect the local microclimate?
'A Living Laboratory'
By using the University’s facilities and surrounds as a ‘Living Lab’, we provide opportunities for students to gain practical skills and direct experience in applying research, help shape how we improve our environmental performance, use our resources efficiently, and work towards a thriving, sustainable university:
AR2SCF2 - Changing the Face of the Earth: Past, Present and Future Sustainability | Sonning Farm | Field Trip for Environmental Impact Assessment assignment |
AR2SCF2 - Changing the Face of the Earth: Past, Present and Future Sustainability | Cole Museum, Whiteknights | Species to illustrate biodiversity, evolution and extinctions. |
GV2ED - Environmental Diagnostics | The Wilderness, Whiteknights | Assessment of tree health and the tree (soil) environment |
GV1EL - Earth Lab | Whiteknights campus | Students place diffusion tubes around campus to quantify air quality in roadside and urban background locations |
GV1EL - Earth Lab | Hall Farm | Students measure soil health in grassland, arable, and woodland locations across the farm |
Some examples of specific research projects that MSc students have completed are outlined below:
The potential of integrating battery storage with solar panels at the University of Reading (2023)
Investigating the effect of aging and potential degradation on the performance of the SBE solar PV (2023)
Investigating the amount of food waste generated in offices and academic areas on campus (2023)
A Victorian Building Retrofit (2023)
The effect and arrangements of indoor plants on IEQ of office (2023)
Investigating the potential of sustainable roof configurations on a localised Urban Heat Island during Autumn/Winter months (2023)
Developing a visual waste composition analysis to inform waste management strategies (Summer 2022)
IEQ of the UoR library after refurbishment (March 2022)
IEQ of a modular building – Chancellors Building (March 2022)
Lessons from refurbished buildings – Harry Pitt Building (March 2022)
Potential of PV and the GSHP at Carrington Building & other UoR buildings (February 2022)
We regularly receive requests for energy data for our buildings on our campuses which are used in student studies and research. For example, we supplied an MSc student with electricity use and solar generation data for several buildings for a study looking at the potential of battery storage to smooth supply and demand.
University of Sanctuary
The University of Reading has recently been recognised as a University of Sanctuary. This award 'recognises ‘universities that have gone above and beyond to provide an understanding, compassionate, and safe experience that would enable people seeking sanctuary to thrive and recognise their potential’.
Supporting Students - Sanctuary Scholarships
The University offers scholarships to eligible sanctuary seekers (people with refugee, humanitarian protected, or asylum seeker status) through our Sanctuary Scholarships scheme. The scheme has been running since 2018 and offers the following awards each year to eligible applicants:
- 5 fee waivers each year that cover the tuition fees for our 11–week English Language programme (starting in July each year) – £4,600 in 2024
- 4 bursary payments of £5,000+ each year of study for new applicants to undergraduate courses* with refugee, humanitarian protection status, or be granted settlement in the UK through the ARAP or ACRS schemes for Afghan refugees, or have a right to remain in the UK through the Ukraine Family Scheme or the Ukraine Sponsorship (Homes for Ukraine) scheme
- 1 bursary payment of £10,000+ (pro rata–ed for part-time students) for new applicants to postgraduate taught courses with refugee, humanitarian protection status or be granted settlement in the UK through the ARAP or ACRS schemes for Afghan refugees, or who have a right to remain in the UK through the Ukraine Family Scheme or the Ukraine Sponsorship (Homes for Ukraine) scheme
- 1 Scholarship of a fee waiver and a bursary payment of £14,200+ for each year of study for new applicants to undergraduate courses with asylum seeker status
- 1 Scholarship of a fee waiver and a bursary payment of £14,200+ (pro rata–ed for part-time students) for new applicants to postgraduate taught courses with asylum seeker status
If you require any further information about Education for Sustainable Development, please contact:
Page last updated June 2024