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This page provides information on how our waste is managed, who manages it and where it goes.
- For more information on what you can recycle or how to handle your waste, consult the Waste and Recycling A-Z.
- For any clarification or further information do not hesitate to contact
Dry Mixed Recycling - cans, plastic bottles, tins, paper etc.
Once dry mixed recycling is placed in the recycling bins it is collected by the cleaners and porters and then placed in various wheelie bins across campus. The University's waste contractor then collects the waste and transports it to a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) where recyclable materials are sorted into different types (e.g. plastics, cardboard, paper, metal) using a mixture of manual and automated methods. When the materials have been sorted, they are sent to re-processors and manufacturers where they are used to create new products.

Paper, Card and Confidential Waste
Paper and card is collected from wheelie bins across the campus by the University-approved waste contractor. Non-confidential paper and card waste is sent to a paper mill for recycling.
Confidential waste is shredded on site weekly by our waste contractors. It is then taken to the paper mill for recycling.
The paper recycling process begins with the paper products being separated into categories and then washed with soapy water to remove any inks, plastic film, staples and glue. This creates a slurry which different materials can be added to in order to create different paper related products (cardboard or office paper). The slurry is then rolled out and left to dry, rolled back up and then sent out to be used.
Dry-cell batteries can be recycled on campus via collection points. Waste batteries are stored in kegs then collected by the University's approved waste contractor. The batteries are sorted at their transfer station and taken to a hazardous waste disposal facility. Batteries are broken apart into pieces and placed into a vat where the lead and heavy materials fall to the bottom and the plastic floats. At this point, the plastic pieces are scooped away and the liquids are drawn off, leaving the lead and heavy metals. Each of the materials goes into a different recycling stream, where different materials are recycled in their own way.
Sanitary waste
Waste is collected by a contractor from individual sanitary waste bins on campus. The waste is collected and taken to an incineration plant for disposal.
Food Waste
Food waste from catering outlets on campus is collected by the University approved waste contractor via wheelie bins. The primary disposal process for the University's food waste is anaerobic digestion, which produces electricity and fertiliser.
In an anaerobic digestion plant, organic waste is stored in an oxygen-free environment in the presence of a population of micro-organisms. In this anaerobic environment, biochemical reactions occur that convert organic matter into methane rich biogas and nutrient rich digestate. This biogas is then burnt in an engine to generate electricity that is fed into the national grid. The resulting digestate is a nutrient rich liquid or sludge which is used as a fertiliser.
IT Equipment
The Reuse and Recycle (R&R) Service is a free-of-charge IT collection, reuse and recycling service for all Schools and Functions within the University, which is overseen by the Device Lifecycle team within DTS. All unwanted IT equipment should be collected centrally via the R&R Service. All departments can request the collection of unwanted working or non-working IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, monitors, docks, cables and IT peripherals. This equipment will be treated as a potential asset either for reuse within the University or for sale through our recycling partner.
Waste Cooking Oil
Cooking oil that has been used at the University's catering facilities is collected by a company that recycles and reuses the oil. The waste oil is sorted at a plant and processed to create biofuel. This biofuel can be used in vehicles and generators as an alternative to crude oil-derived fuel, giving an overall carbon saving.
Unwanted wood is collected by the University's approved waste contractor and taken to a transfer station where it is sorted for re-use, recycling or incineration.
Wood from grounds maintenance activities is collected by ground contractors and used to produce mulch for the University's grounds.
Wooden pallets are sorted by the University's approved waste contractor, with re-usable pallets being sent back to transportation companies. Un-usable pallets are shredded and the wood is used to make chipboard or burnt as biomass fuel to generate electricity and/or heat.
TetraPak cartons
TetraPak and other similar cartons are made from a composite material consisting of cardboard and plastic (and sometimes aluminium foil), which cannot be recycled through the standard mixed recycling collections.
We have separate bins situated at our restaurants and cafes for collecting TetraPak-style cartons. These cartons are collected and then sent to the carton manufacturer for recycling.
Clinical Waste
Clinical waste is any waste which poses a threat of infection to humans. The term also includes drugs or other pharmaceutical products.
There are multiple solutions for the treatment of clinical waste, depending on whether it is infectious, non-infectious, or offensive hygiene waste.
Fluorescent Tubes
Fluorescent lamp tubes and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), as well as bulbs from projectors, are classified as hazardous waste. Do not place these in the recycling or general waste bins. On campus the majority of fluorescent light tubes are collected centrally. The tubes are collected by the University approved waste contractor and sent to a recycling facility.
The lamps and tubes are pre-broken, washed to remove contaminants, and a distiller is then used to extract the elemental mercury and phosphor powder. The glass, metals and plastics are broken down into smaller pieces, these materials are then separated and sent on to other recycling plants for further recycling, and turned into something new.
Glass bottles
Glass bottles and jars are collected from bottle banks and bins by the University approved waste contractor. The glass is sent to be sorted and then sent to a glass furnace to produce new glass bottles and containers. This re-melt process can be repeated over and over again. This not only saves valuable natural resources but also saves energy and reduces overall carbon dioxide emissions.
Smaller items (tins, cans, foil) can be placed in the mixed recycling bins, which are then taken to a materials recycling facility (See Mixed Recycling above).
Larger items are collected on campus centrally and taken away for recycling. The metal is compacted, or squeezed, and separated based on properties and then taken to a furnace that is specifically designed to melt that particular metal. After the molten metal is purified, it is cooled and solidified, then packaged to be reused.
Waste Electrical items
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) items are those that are powered by the mains or by batteries to carry out their primary function. These should not be disposed of in the general waste. WEEE waste can also be deemed as hazardous waste if containing harmful substances. These items need to be stored safely and securely to prevent pollution in line with the Hazardous Waste Regulations and to prevent risk to health.
WEEE is collected on site centrally before being collected by the University's approved waste contractor. The waste is then taken to their transfer station, sorted and collected for recycling locally.
Paper cups
Paper cups that are segregated into the paper cup recycling bins are taken to a factory where the different materials are separated, and the paper is made into bespoke paper products. More details can be found on the paper cup recycling page.
General Waste
Once items for recycling have been put into the correct bins, any other non-recyclable waste should be placed into the General Waste bins; so please remember to segregate your waste correctly. The University's waste contractor takes non-recyclable general waste to an Energy From Waste (EfW) plant. Here, the waste is burned with the resulting steam powering a turbine which generates electricity. The residual waste after the burning is either recycled (metals) or turned into construction materials (ash).
Over 62% of our operational waste (by weight) is re-used, repaired, or sent for recycling or composting; and only 36% goes to EfW (compared to nearly half of overall waste from UK homes); with just 1% going to landfill. Our Waste & Resource Use Strategy is focused on reducing the amount of waste we generate in the first place, and then moving waste away from landfill and further up the Waste Hierarchy. We have successfully reduced the amount of waste generated per person at the University by 31% in 2023/24 (42.8kg) compared to 2015/16 (61.9kg); and we are committed to continue to lower this year-on-year.
The EfW plant to which we send our General Waste is less than 50 miles away from the University, and is not located in an urban area. Our waste contractor combines General Waste from the University with that from their other clients, before the vehicle travels to the EfW plant. It is better from an environmental perspective for General Waste to be treated in an EfW plant, rather than go to landfill, due to the presence of some food and organic matter mixed into the General Waste.
If waste is not suitable for the EfW plant, and cannot be treated by another process, it might be sent to landfill. Certain types of waste (e.g. asbestos) must legally be sent to special landfill sites. Only 1% of the University's waste is sent to landfill.