Food waste recycling

Food waste recycling Good news; we are rolling-out more food waste recycling bins across the University during 2025! You can put all kinds of food waste in the special food waste recycling bins and caddies that are located inside campus buildings.  Please look out for and use the dedicated food waste recycling points in and near catering outlets and cafés, and in key locations such as foyers, kitchenettes and common areas (there is a list of current locations below, so you can find your closest bin). Catering outlets have bins with 'Organics' written on them (see left-hand image below). Various…
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Paper cup recycling, and re-useable cups

Paper cup recycling Good news! You can recycle disposable paper coffee cups in special cups bins around the campus.  Please look for the dedicated cup recycling points in and near cafés, catering outlets, and key locations such as foyers and seating areas (there is a list of locations below so you can find your closest bin). These recycling bins predominantly have pink labels (see above), with a few that have blue labels (see left) - we hope to update the blue labelled bins in due course.  Please do not put paper cups in the green recycling bins - they must be…
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