What can I recycle?

In the recycling bins with blue lids/labels: Paper Newspapers Magazines Cardboard (flattened) Envelopes NO paper cups NO plastics NO polystyrene NO hardback books NO glass NO food & liquid In the recycling bins with green lids/labels: Drinks cans (empty) Tins (empty) Plastic bottles (empty) Plastic cups (empty) Plastic containers (clean) Paper & Card NO paper cups NO glass NO polystyrene NO food NO liquids More details about plastic types (external website) In the recycling bins for food waste: Leftover food Fruit skins and peelings Meat and fish (raw or cooked) Tea bags Coffee grounds NO packaging NO paper cups NO glass…
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A-to-Z of Waste and Recycling

A: Aerosols, Aluminium Cans/Foil, Asbestos Waste, Appliances. more Aerosols On Campus: Some aerosols are categorised as hazardous waste, so please DO NOT put aerosols into any bins on campus.  If the aerosol has been used for University business purposes, contact Sustainability Services for recycling information (disposal is chargeable to the department). Off Campus: Check with your local council, as some may permit empty household aerosols to be placed in the mixed recycling. Alternatively, take to your household waste recycling centre. Ensure that the aerosol is completely empty before you decide to recycle it. Do not pierce, crush or flatten the aerosol before…
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Request Energy Data

If you would like access to data for your own research, please get in touch by email or using the forms below. Depending on what you need we can either transfer files or set you up with access to our energy management software. Different types of data are available depending on the building or location of interest, including:Half hourly profile dataManual meter readingsUtility billing informationElectricity consumptionGas consumptionWater consumptionHeat supply from district heating networkSub-building level metering
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About us

Here at the University of Reading we are very proud of what we have achieved and continue to work hard to improve the environmental performance of the university.  We do this by investing in environmentally conscious building design, energy efficiency measures, diverting waste from landfill, encouraging the use of sustainable transport and raising environmental awareness.The University has an experienced and committed team of people who work hard to ensure that we are doing all we can to minimise our environmental impact.
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Alternatives to Travel

The most 'environmentally friendly' form of travel is generally not travelling at all! Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the knowledge, experience and technology to make remote study and working much easier. Substituting travel with technology can also save you time and money. On this page staff and visitors to the University can find information on practical alternatives to travel and working remotely in a sustainable way. Check out the University's tips on How to set up and hold a conference call in Teams. If you would like to book a conference room to video-conference, you can do so here. Further…
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Sustainable Travel

From this page you will be able to access all of the information about sustainable travel options to and around the University, as well as offers and tips to help make sustainable travel as easy and affordable as possible. The information on this page has been structured around the carbon travel hierarchy, which structures travel methods in order of sustainability - from flying to no-carbon methods. The hierarchy acts as a helpful tool to consider the impact of travel decisions and consider any suitable alternatives. Air Pollution has been recognised as one of the biggest environmental health risks facing humans. As…
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Henley, Greenlands

Click on the Main House on the map to see electricity consumption for most of the Greenlands campus, or Bourne and Berrybrook for the supply to the two newest buildings. 
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Compare buildings

The University spends nearly £3 million each year on electricity. Use the dashboards below to explore where it all goes and compare the consumption and efficiency of different buildings. How do the buildings you use perform? Select a date range and scroll down through the buildings to compare their electricity use per square meter. Click on a segment of the pie to compare similar buildings. Any questions? Email us. Use the dashboard below to compare the electricity consumption of different Halls  Any questions? Email us. Investigate buildings' overnight baselines and see how your building is doing compared to its target here.
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