Green Festival is the University of Reading’s annual sustainability celebration, where we come together to promote, educate and celebrate sustainable actions amongst our local community, staff and students. This year a range of different events were held from 1 to 11 November, with something for everyone.
Sustainability is a key strategic priority for the University and an estimated 500 attendees participated in the festival –clearly demonstrating that sustainability is important to each and every one of us.
Highlights this year included:
- The ‘Play your emissions right’ game from Reading Buses was an effective and popular way of showing staff and students the environmental impact of different modes of travel. Congratulations to Matt who won a whole term’s bus travel!
- Over 100 people attended the Day of Cycling exhibits, which included: SusTrans, Reading Cycle Campaign, Thames Valley Police, Reading Bike Kitchen and Campus Security.
- The Explore Green Careers event featured talks from WSP, Jacobs and RBWM and was well attended with 42 students taking part.
- 20 staff and students took part in the community litter pick, in collaboration with RUSU, which drew great feedback from the local community and those that took part.
- We worked with RUSU’s Advice Service as part of the Energy Day to help staff and students understand how simple sustainable actions can save money.
- Sustainability Services produced our first very own podcast all about how to be sustainable and save money which is full of helpful hints and tips.
- Mushroom steaks with caramelised onions won the Low carbon main meals competition and will soon feature on a Catering Outlet menu!