Sustainable Event Guide

Room full of stalls and peopleWhen organizing an event at the University, it is important to prioritize sustainability. To ensure that your event aligns with the University's values, we have compiled a list of valuable practices for you to implement. Additionally, please refer to the University's primary events planning pages pages for further information!



Go Reusable

It's best for the environment to use reusable items whenever possible and eliminate single-use items. Venue Reading can provide minimal single-use items by making simple changes upon request.

Tea & Coffee

  • Request China and spoons instead of paper cups and wooden stirrers.
  • Request pots of tea and sugar plus coffee urns instead of tea bags and coffee sachets.
  • Clearly separate any unused items such as biscuits, tea bags and sugar or coffee packets so that items can be re-used if appropriate.


  • Request water jugs and glasses from Venue Reading.
  • Check the Venue Reading hydration map to locate places to refill water bottles and jugs.
  • In the rare case bottled water is required, consider purchasing cans of water instead.
  • Arrange an external water fountain for outdoor events by emailing
  • When no longer needed, all types of plastic bottles can be recycled in the University's green-lidded mixed recycling bins.
  • If you can't avoid providing bottles or cans of water, please encourage people to refill their bottles/cans and reuse them.


If you plan to serve alcohol at an event, it's a good idea to consider renting one of the many university venues that have a bar. This can help reduce waste by eliminating cans and plastic cups, as drinks can be served from kegs or bottles and glasses can be used instead. If booking alcohol for an event, seek advice from Venue Reading re: suitable quantities based on expected attendance and ask for ‘Sale or Return’ so that you minimise wastage of any over-purchase.


  • Food waste MUST be avoided as much as possible
  • Focus on Vegetarian food
    • Vegetarian food has a drastically lower carbon footprint than meat and should be in the majority at your event
  • Only request what is needed from Venue Reading (seek advice from them on portions based on expected attendance)
    • Keep Venue Reading updated on any change in guest numbers
    • Be sure to take dietary requirements from guests so you can order accordingly
  • Set enough time in the event schedule for people to sit down and eat properly
    • People are likely to eat less if food is combined with or alongside another activity such as a presentation or meeting
  • Encourage guests to take seconds or thirds if there is food remaining
  • Consider requesting or taking Tupperware to the event so any leftover food can be taken and eaten, instead of thrown away

There is more information about sustainability and catering here.

The University provides Fairtrade food and drink at all Schools and Directorates through the catering outlets. Ordering through Venue Reading supports the Fairtrade movement and benefits farmers and the environment. Find out more about the University and Fairtrade here.

Waste - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Follow University policy by abiding by the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ motto:

Reduce: ​

  • Consider if you really need to print your documents or if you can use them digitally ​.
  • Only print what you need based on the number of guests.
  • Use reusable cutlery, cups or glassware instead of disposable ones.
  • Strongly consider purchases that are event-specific - do you really need something if it will never be used again? ​

Do not create ‘swag bags’ with unnecessary gifts that are likely to be used once or thrown away


  • Before purchasing anything, check inventory and stock to see if you or another department already have a suitable alternative ​.
  • Keep whatever is possible even if you do not need it, another department may want to use it.
  • Consider posting your unneeded item on ‘Warp It’ so that someone else at the University may use it.

Recycle ​

  • Anything you cannot reduce or reuse and must be thrown away, please ensure to recycle

Please note what can and cannot be recycled at the University by visiting the recycling page

  • Ensure you have enough general rubbish and recycling bins for your event
  • Order additional bins by contacting the porters at
  • If you need something more significant, such as skips or wheelie bins, contact

Venue bookings and conserving energy

  • When booking a room, please be mindful of the size you require for your event. Do not book a larger room than you need.
  • Remember to switch off lights and equipment when leaving.
  • Close windows when you leave.
  • The heating will only be switched on out of hours by request, so if you need it, please raise a WREN with estates. Additionally, if you leave early, please inform the estates team so they can turn off the heating.

You can learn more about the different energy and water efficiency projects here. You can also check the energy usage of the building you are in on the Sustainability website.

Encouraging and questioning contractors

If your event involves external contractors (e.g. to assemble a marquee), or you are inviting exhibitors to attend (e.g. to a careers showcase), then encourage them to:

  • Bring re-useable items, and avoid single-use products, if possible.
  • Know where they can recycle, and what can be recycled.
  • Switch off any equipment when not in use, to save water/electricity.
  • Reduce vehicle travel where possible (e.g. grouping deliveries on to one vehicle and carpooling).

Contractors who will be working with chemicals/fuels/oils must bring an appropriate spill kit and know how to use it.  If there is a spill, they need to clear it up; but also make sure it's reported by following the environmental incident procedure.  If there is a spill and you or the contractor are having problems clearing it up, contact Estates on x7000 (8am-4pm) or Security on x7799 (out of hours) promptly for help.

Travel sustainably

Guests travelling to an event is one of the biggest parts of an event that causes emissions. To combat this, consider doing the following:

  • Only invite local guests on-site.
  • Offer guests from further distances the opportunity to join the event virtually.
  • If guests do travel, encourage them to avoid using cars and instead walk/cycle or take public transport.

Help event attendees to travel sustainably to your event by signposting them to the sustainable travel information here, particularly within pre-event invitations and delegate information.

Leave No Trace

The University has three beautiful green campuses, please help us keep them beautiful by cleaning up appropriately after your event.

  • Ensure all litter is removed after your event.
  • Do not pour anything down external drains (all surface water drains go to the lake on Whiteknights campus or to the River Thames at Greenlands campus).
  • Avoid using confetti or other small items that can be difficult to clean up.
  • Avoid using tape or other adhesives that can damage surfaces.
  • If using decorations, make sure they can be easily removed.
  • Consider using reusable items instead of disposable ones.
  • If having food and beverages, make sure all waste is properly disposed of and any spills are cleaned up immediately.
  • Leave the area better than you found it - pick up any litter or debris you see even if it wasn't from your event.

If you have any concerns about how your event might impact the natural environment on campus, please contact us via

Need help? Get in touch!

Don't forget that we are here to help, from little matters to big complex events - contact us via

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