
Warp-it is an online portal (a bit like eBay), where members of staff can upload details of unwanted University furniture, office accessories and stationery (in good condition), and can claim any items listed there for free for business use. The Warp-it portal is overseen by Sustainability Services (as the Admin). Any member of staff with a reading.ac.uk email address can register to login to Warp-it so that they can view and claim items listed on the portal, as well as upload details of unwanted items. Warp-it is not a location for furniture storage.If you have used Warp-it before and want to…
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Do you have University equipment that is in good condition and still working, but is now unwanted?  Have you already tried offering it to other Schools and Functions (through Warp-it or other methods), but haven't found a new home?  Please consider whether the University's equipment reseller, UniGreenScheme, could collect and re-home it. How does it work? How to make a booking How will I receive payment for items when they are sold? If you are eligible for profit-sharing once an item has been sold, UniGreenScheme will send you a credit note - once received, contact your finance administrator for assistance…
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