Be a good egg – switch off for Easter!

Easter is fast approaching, spring is in the air and the Easter closure period is upon us! We never like to miss a good opportunity to be more sustainable and ask colleagues to join us by being a good egg and switching off for Easter. By switching off lights, computers and unused/non-critical appliances over the closure period, we can all take small steps to save energy which will directly equate to carbon savings and cost savings – good for the environment, good for people and good for the University! Check out our cheat sheet which outlines the kinds of things…
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Famous women in sustainability – Women’s history month

Women’s history month is an opportunity to celebrate these iconic women who will go down in history for their contributions towards environmental science and climate change activism. The past decade has been notably one of the most significant turning points in climate change awareness history, with an increasing number of activists storming social media all with the aim to influence climate change awareness. We recognise key female individuals in the sustainability field, whether they are socially famous or are more centralised to a business, laboratory or workplace. They are all making a difference and should be celebrated for their work.…
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Make your plate happy: reducing food waste at UoR

Introduction Our Bars & Dining team are devoted to enforcing sustainable efforts to boost our eco-system. We understand that tackling food waste is a challenge for many within the hospitality sector, but not for us. The University operates all Catering Services in-house, for the benefit of staff and students. We have already implemented processes to divert food waste across our main dining outlets across campus (i.e Park Eat, The Dairy, The Square, St Patrick’s and Wantage Dining Hall) so that we can eliminate our landfill waste to be used as regenerative fuel across campus and beyond. What we are doing…
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Fairtrade Fortnight: why fairtrade is important and what you can do

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from February 27th- 12th March this year and is an annual campaign created by the Fairtrade Foundation to spread awareness surrounding Fairtrade products. When you purchase Fairtrade products, you are in turn helping to support communities abroad, providing ethical working standards and a better quality of living for those who farm and produce the goods. This year’s focus: The climate crisis The most common and favourite fairtrade products available are: bananas, cocoa and coffee. These are grown in tropical areas, which means that your morning coffee has travelled a long way. Bananas are the world’s most popular…
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Love your community and environment

When it comes to February, there is no doubt that love is truly in the air, and with the upcoming arrival of Valentine’s Day we should celebrate and share our love for the earth. Valentine’s day is a popular, annual celebration in which we may gift our loved ones to show our affection for each other, however each year Valentine’s day contributes a surplus of 9 millions kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere as well as a sizeable amount of waste. Around 40 million people in the UK celebrate Valentine’s Day each year, and spend around £1.3 billion pounds on…
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How to have a more sustainable Christmas

The festive break is fast approaching and Sustainability Services wanted to share with you some top tips about how to have a more sustainable Christmas. Many of these tips will also save you money! Presents Think about quality over quantity – every year Christmas does generate many unwanted gifts. If you’re still wondering what to get for someone, why not think about an experience like a night out at the theatre, adopting their favourite animal, buying a subscription to a vegetable box or consider a charity membership such as the National Trust. If you do have unwanted gifts, consider donating…
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Celebrating sustainability – Green Festival 2022

Green Festival is the University of Reading’s annual sustainability celebration, where we come together to promote, educate and celebrate sustainable actions amongst our local community, staff and students. This year a range of different events were held from 1 to 11 November, with something for everyone. Sustainability is a key strategic priority for the University and an estimated 500 attendees participated in the festival –clearly demonstrating that sustainability is important to each and every one of us. Highlights this year included: The ‘Play your emissions right’ game from Reading Buses was an effective and popular way of showing staff and…
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PODCAST – ‘How to be more sustainable and save money’

As part of our Green Festival 2022 celebrations we recorded our first very own sustainability podcast which is full of helpful tips on ways you can be more sustainable, saving money in the process. Jackie Simpson, from Sustainability Services, and the University's Director of Energy and Sustainability, Dan Fernbank, discuss simple actions to reduce waste, carbon emissions and be more sustainable at home and at University. Some highlights include: Switch all devices off as even things left on standby draw power. Buy less things, question your purchase decisions and buy second hand wherever possible. Run washing machines and dishwashers on…
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Welcome to Doing #UoR Bit for students!

Sustainability Services are proud to announce the launch of our new sustainable action platform for students, Doing #UoR Bit. This has been made possible by the generosity of donors to the University of Reading IMAGINE campaign and amazing support from RUSU to the prize fund. Earn prizes for being sustainable As part of our goal to become a world-leading institution for sustainability, the University of Reading is rewarding its students for making sustainable choices at home and at the university. Doing #UoRBit is an app and online platform where you can record your sustainable actions – like travelling sustainably, reporting…
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Sustainability Events

Sustainability Services at University of Reading hold a number of events throughout the year to engage with our community to promote, educate and celebrate sustainable actions
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