
Do you have University equipment that is in good condition and still working, but is now unwanted?  Have you already tried offering it to other Schools and Functions (through Warp-it or other methods), but haven't found a new home?  Please consider whether the University's equipment reseller, UniGreenScheme, could collect and re-home it. How does it work? How to make a booking How will I receive payment for items when they are sold? If you are eligible for profit-sharing once an item has been sold, UniGreenScheme will send you a credit note - once received, contact your finance administrator for assistance…
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Summer Re-use challenge 2018

In August, the popular re-use challenge returned! In August 2017 we avoided disposing of 219kg of stuff by re-using it, which saved staff over £1,500 because they sourced items for free rather than having to buy it all new.  But this August we wanted to achieve 250kg of items re-used in just two weeks! Why did we do this? Because re-use is the right thing to do - it has lots of environmental and financial benefits. The University recognises this and has a target to improve re-use by 10% by 2021. Not only was there yummy chocolate or "sugar free"…
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The Egg-cellent April Re-Use Challenge!

You did it! The April Re-use challenge target has been achieved. We set staff a target to re-use 700kg of items by the end of April. It was a big challenge, and yummy Cadbury's Creme eggs (or sugar-free desk tidies) were offered to people who helped out. A big thank-you to everyone who took part - you did it! The target has been achieved and you re-used a whopping 740kg of items through the University's Warp-it portal. That's nearly three quarters of a tonne, and it has saved staff an estimated £4,488 by avoiding buying new. Why did we do…
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Where Does Our Waste Go?

To view this video with captions, please view on our YouTube channel by following this link. This page provides information on how our waste is managed, who manages it and where it goes. - For more information on what you can recycle or how to handle your waste, consult the Waste and Recycling A-Z. - For any clarification or further information do not hesitate to contact waste@reading.ac.uk. Dry Mixed Recycling - cans, plastic bottles, tins, paper etc. Once dry mixed recycling is placed in the recycling bins it is collected by the cleaners and porters and then placed in various wheelie bins…
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Student Sustainability Assistants

In the spring term Sustainability Services have taken on 4 Student Sustainability Assistants to help aid some of the many exciting upcoming projects. The areas where most of the work is being focussed, is improvements to Recycling and Travel at the University. Mike is a second year Environmental Management student working with the team and this is an update on how he is finding his time with the team. I started working with Sustainability Services at the start of January to aid Ruth Harris and Anna Glue with the new bin installations at London Road and MERL. This included labelling…
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Paper cup recycling, and re-useable cups

Paper cup recycling Good news! You can recycle disposable paper coffee cups in special cups bins around the campus.  Please look for the dedicated cup recycling points in and near cafés, catering outlets, and key locations such as foyers and seating areas (there is a list of locations below so you can find your closest bin). These recycling bins predominantly have pink labels (see above), with a few that have blue labels (see left) - we hope to update the blue labelled bins in due course.  Please do not put paper cups in the green recycling bins - they must be…
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Are we focusing on the right environmental issues?

Opinion: Dan Fernbank, Energy & Sustainability Manager Paper cups, plastic bottles, plastic straws - it seems everyone's talking about them.  High profile coverage from the likes of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's 'War on Waste!' and David Attenborough's 'Blue Planet 2' have done wonders to highlight their environmental impacts, and to encourage practical environmental action on a large scale. But are these really today's big environmental issues? The University has set ambitious targets for continual environmental improvement throughout its operations, aiming by 2021 to cut its carbon emissions by 45%, water consumption by 35%, boost recycling to 60% and continuously improve sustainable travel…
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Cheese or Chocolate?

We know that cigarette ends getting discarded on the ground looks unsightly but it also has an impact on wildlife and the natural environment. As a University, we (officially!) have one of the best green spaces in the country and we are committed to keeping it that way. To encourage people to dispose of their cigarette ends responsibly, we are trialling new ballot bins. These new bins pose a question and allow smokers to vote on what they think! These have been used effectively in other areas of the country and we are looking forward to seeing the results of…
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New drinks machines provide free water and cut plastic waste

University students and staff will help stop more than half a million plastic bottles being thrown away every year with the introduction of new drinks machines around campus. The University of Reading is becoming the first university in the UK to introduce new vending machines designed to provide healthier drink choices and cut the volume of plastic waste on campus. Around 650,000 plastic bottled drinks are used across the University’s Whiteknights and London Road campuses each year. To reduce the volume of plastic used on campus, the University is this week launching the Sustain It bottle – a reusable bottle that uses…
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Q and A with Abi, our summer intern

This summer, Abi worked to raise awareness of the University’s new Waste Strategy including the new 60% recycling target. This included upgrading recycling facilities across ten buildings on campus, communicating with staff and students and investigate waste and recycling issues across campus. What did your role involved? As a Junior Sustainability Officer, I created a communication plan to engage with staff and students about upgrading facilities across campus. From Health & Safety’s input into the floorplans, porters’ assistance in moving newly unpacked and labelled bins and talking to staff during our recycling roadshows- this internship has taught me the importance…
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