Staff and student travel survey 2018

Travel Survey 2018! – Let us know your views and suggestions - win an iPad It’s time for the University’s biannual staff and student travel survey. Take the travel survey We really hope you take the opportunity to let us know how you get to our campuses and your views on what we can do to improve this for you. You could win one of two iPads by taking part! Your views are important to monitor how we are doing against the University Travel Plan, and to develop the action plan for the next couple of years. See what we…
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Cycle skills and safety project

The University is working with Avanti Cycling in a bid to encourage staff and students to ensure you have the right knowledge, skills and equipment to keep yourselves and others safe while cycling on campus and on the roads. We’re offering free cycle training at a variety of different levels – from complete beginners who need to learn to ride a bike safely, through road tips for experienced cyclists, to experienced foreign cyclists who may just need a top-up on UK road laws. We’re also offering free cycle lights to everyone who takes part! Cycle Skills Flyer Most people’s thought…
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Why not Cycle2Work?

As a regular cyclist, buying a new bike through the University’s Cycle2Work scheme has always seemed tempting, yet I never quite got round to it. Until now that is, and I’m wondering why I didn’t do it years ago! The University’s sustainable travel pages were a handy starting point, pointing straight to the relevant HR page that explains the scheme further. The scheme is run through Halfords, and I was pleased to see there were a number of potential options with local independent shops too. The scheme is really straightforward – you just need to decide how much you want to…
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Reading Rail Station substantial line closures September 2017

To prepare for the electrification of the railway lines around Reading there will be a substantial number line closures at Reading Station over the weekend 16-17 September affecting the majority of routes into the station. This work is unfortunately scheduled during our University arrivals weekend, however we are confident that this should cause only minimal disruption as those welcoming new students have prepared their arrivals advice to deal with this. New and returning students (and staff) please ensure you plan your journeys carefully to avoid experiencing delays. Further line closures will be taking place on Sunday mornings until Christmas time.…
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Travel offers for students

The University has a large number of offers for current students to help make your travel choices more sustainable and affordable! Check our list below, with links to the relevant internal/external offer. We are always eager to hear suggestions on further sustainable travel offers that will be of benefit - if you any suggestions, please let us know by emailing Cycling offers Free cycle maintenance Take advantage of our regular campus visits from Dr Bike, who provides free tips and basic maintenance to keep your bike in good working order. Dates and locations of Dr Bike visits available here. Free…
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Travel offers for staff

The University has a large number of offers for members of staff to help you choose more sustainable modes of travel. They are listed below, with links to the relevant internal/external offer. We are always eager to hear suggestions on further sustainable travel offers that will be of benefit to our staff - if you any suggestions, please let us know by emailing Cycling offers Free cycle maintenance Take advantage of our regular campus visits from Dr Bike, who provides free tips and basic maintenance to keep your bike in good working order. Dates and locations of Dr Bike visits available here.…
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Cycle safety and security

On this page you can find tips for keeping both you and your bicycle safe and secure. Use the links below to take you to our tips. Always use your lights at night! Reasons why this small part of bike safety is so important: You can get a £50 fine for cycling without lights at night in the UK. It is inconsiderate and unsafe for other path users on campus – they can’t see you coming, and even if you don’t hit them it can scare / stress them. Drivers can’t see you so you’re risking your own safety. Follow…
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