The RSU Advice Service is a professional, independent and confidential service, available for all students registered with the University. Our specialist advisers are able to provide practical support students with a variety of issues:


  • Academic advice – supporting students through University processes and procedures. This support could be helping them to understand the policy; helping them to write statements and obtain supporting evidence; preparing them for any meetings or hearing; attending with them in the capacity of a ‘friend’.
  • Housing advice – we can advise students who are experiencing issues within the private rented section and within university accommodation, such as checking housing contracts, deposits, disrepair, issues with housemates, landlords and letting agents, as well as ending tenancies and eviction.
  • Money advice – we can assist students to navigate the student support system, and help with applications for welfare benefits, as well as providing more general information on money management, banking and consumer issues.

The Advice Service works with other support services within the University, and currently has a Housing Drop in run by Reading Borough Council on a fortnightly basis.


How students can access our service:

If you are in contact with a student who you think would benefit from speaking to an Adviser, there is a number of ways for them to get in touch with us.  You would also be welcome to speak to us in the first instance if you are unsure if we can assist, though please note that we are only able provide advice to the students themselves.

Drop in sessions:

·        Virtual drop in on Friday mornings between 10am and 12:30 in semester time.  The Virtual drop in can be accessed via the RSU events calendar (select Online Distance Learning from the Category menu)

·        In person drop ins on Wednesday afternoons between 12noon and 4pm.  This is currently also semester time only. (See dates on the RSU events page)

The best way for a student to contact The Advice Service is via their online form at  all students who want support from the Advice Service are asked to complete this form.   Once this information is received, it is passed onto a relevant adviser who will then make contact with the student to provide support.

Students are also welcome to email

Advice can be provided via face to face appointment, email, telephone or Teams Meeting, as suits the needs of the student.  Appointments are currently arranged via individual advisers.