In Halls, student welfare, pastoral care, and the management of student conduct and behaviour are the responsibility of the Warden, a senior member of University staff who lives in hall. Wardens are there to offer help and guidance on any matters of concern, and to provide a useful link for the student between Hall life, University support services and academic Schools.


Academic colleagues who have concerns about residents are encouraged to contact the Wardens, and they will communicate with the student’s Academic Tutor, School or Department, as appropriate, if there are any major concerns about a student, or if there is a serious disciplinary problem. Two-way communication between Wardens and Academic Tutors is important, as academic staff are frequently unaware of problems when they occur outside normal teaching hours and do not immediately affect a student’s work, and conversely a Tutor may know about a student’s difficulties without the Hall being aware of them. Tutors should certainly keep Wardens informed of major problems. Wardens wish to encourage the closest possible contacts with Academic Tutors in Departments, and Tutors are encouraged to take an interest in the life of their students in Hall. This ensures that the student’s welfare is promoted both in the Hall and in the School.


The Wardens are available to see any student on a confidential basis by appointment. Students can make an appointment at their UPP group reception or via the Halls Hotline on 0118 378 7777.

A list of Hall Wardens and contact details can be found on the Essentials webpages.