Our Hall Wellbeing team play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of the halls of residence at University. The team consists of:


We have five University staff members who form the dedicated, live-in team of Wardens, who are responsible for providing pastoral support and managing discipline within the residential community.

As part of their pastoral support duties, Wardens act as a point of contact for students, offering guidance, advice and assistance on various matters, from personal issues, educational challenges and accommodation difficulties. They help students adjust to student life, offering support for homesickness, mental health concerns and general wellbeing. You can contact them by emailing wardens@reading.ac.uk or popping into their office in St Georges hall, Upper Redlands Road, Reading, RG1 5HZ. Students can call the Halls Hotline 0800 029 1984 or Security 0118 378 6300, who can make contact with the Warden team for ‘in the moment’ support requests.

The Wardens enforce the Student Code of Conduct and Student Residency Agreement. They address breaches of conduct promptly and fairly, ensuring that all residents are aware of their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions. Wardens will conduct investigations and where appropriate issue sanctions which may include a monetary fine, all details can be found in the Student Disciplinary Procedure.  Fines are used to support activities within halls, to the benefit of other students. Wardens also conduct disciplinaries and investigation meetings with students who do not live within hall, these can be complaints that have come through Report & Support, Community Engagement or the Student Complaints, Appeals and Discipline team.

The Wardens work closely with other teams at the University such as Security, Student Welfare and Academics, as well as our accommodation partners UPP.


Hall Mentors

Wardens are supported in their duties by Hall Mentors; the team consists of 21 PhD students who are paid and trained individuals who assist with the day-to-day communication and support of students living in halls. You may see them walking around the halls, entering flats (not bedrooms) and talking to students, look out for their Hall Mentor lanyards which are burgundy with yellow writing. The team also organise weekly social and recreational events to foster a sense of community and facilitate interaction amongst residents, these occur every Saturday between 2-4pm. You can contact the Hall Mentors by emailing hallmentors@reading.ac.uk

Overall, the Wardens and Hall Mentors strive to create a supportive and inclusive living environment for students, promoting personal growth, community engagement and responsible behaviour. This dedicated team helps foster a positive residential experience, contributing to the overall success and well-being of the Universities student population.