The Student Financial Support Team are here to offer help, advice and support on a wide range of financial issues to your students, including:


  • Advice in relation to tuition fees; in-particular specialist advise on funding via the Student Finance Authorities (i.e. Student Finance)
  • Reading Bursary Scheme and bursaries for Care-experienced students, Foyer students and estranged students
  • Short-term loans
  • Student Support Funds – financial support awards towards living costs for students experiencing unexpected financial hardship
  • Liaison between your student and Student Credit Control in times where they are struggling to meet the cost of their tuition fees and/or accommodation cost.
  • Work with the RUSU Money Advisors to support you in matters relating to financial difficulties


We offer appointments for your students to speak to us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9.30 – 12 during semester-time. More information on Money Matters can be found at