The University provides many resources and services to help staff deal with the stresses of academia in a variety of ways.

If you need someone to talk to:

The University provides an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), called Confidential Care, as part of their health and well-being strategy to provide a supportive and healthy environment for staff. Confidential Care gives you a place to turn for support any time of day or night, 365 days a year. Support is available for whatever issues you might be facing, including work stress, depression, marriage and relationship issues, legal concerns, coping with change, parenting issues, financial problems, health issues and much more. Experienced, professional counsellors are available to listen to your concerns, determine appropriate resources, and then help you take the next steps

The Chaplaincy Centre is a central point on campus, providing a good place for students and staff to go for a quiet coffee and a listening ear. The Chaplains can provide sign-posting for faith and well-being needs, whatever your religious beliefs. Feel free to call, email or just drop in to see them. The Centre is open Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am-5.30pm and has a programme of Weekly Events (often including food) as well as one-off or less regular activities.

Wellbeing Peer Support  is a network of trained University staff who are a first point of contact if you are experiencing a mental health issue, poor wellbeing or emotional distress.


Other useful University services:

Occupational Health

Harassment Reporting

UoRLearn (resources and sessions to help staff develop key skills such as working with student with mental health issues or developing their own resilience and confidence)


The following webpages contain useful tips and links:


These resources are about looking after yourself and making the most of what the University has to offer: