- Accessibility: Course Accessibility Report
- Accessibility: Improve accessibility of YuJa videos
- Accessibility: Keyboard shortcuts and Screen Readers for Blackboard
- Adding images to a Learning Module
- Add an Item (manual column) to the Gradebook
- Add Calculations to the Gradebook
- Add Content from the Content Collection
- Add text and files to a Test
- Announcements
- Anonymous Blackboard assignments
- Assignments in Blackboard Ultra: Key changes
- Assignment Settings
- Audio and video file formats
- Batch Edit – Visibility/Dates/Delete
- Blackboard Assignments – Audio and Video feedback
- Blackboard Assignment and Tests – Allow Additional Attempts
- Blackboard Assignment or Test – Attempt Logs
- Blackboard Assignment – Peer Review
- Blackboard Assignment – Two marker function
- Blackboard Assignment – Exempt Marks
- Blackboard Collaborate Accessibility Guide
- Blackboard Collaborate Course Room
- Blackboard Collaborate: Large class sizes
- Blackboard Collaborate: Mobile app differences from desktop
- Blackboard Collaborate: monitoring attendance
- Blackboard Collaborate: Session Engagement Insights
- Blackboard Collaborate: Set up scheduled sessions
- Blackboard Collaborate: Using Breakout Groups
- Blackboard Collaborate: Using Collaborate Ultra in China
- Blackboard Collaborate: Using Polls
- Blackboard course codes explained
- Blackboard Filesize limits: managing file sizes
- Blackboard guidance for External Examiners
- Blackboard Guidance for NUIST
- Blackboard Learn Ultra Course Tour
- Blackboard Learn Ultra Navigation
- Blackboard Learn Ultra Notifications
- Blackboard Learn: Guest access to Courses
- Blackboard Learn: The Calendar
- Blackboard Organisations
- Blackboard Request Forms
- Blackboard Ultra Practice Courses
- Blackboard Ultra Tests Settings
- Blackboard Ultra: Progress Tracking
- Blackboard: integrating with third party tools
- Blackboard: Linking to Box of Broadcasts
- Blackboard: The External Examiner Course Role
- Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams
- Building Content in Blackboard Learn Ultra
- Class Collaborate Annotation Tools and Whiteboard
- Class Collaborate Share PowerPoint slides and other files
- Class Collaborate Sharing your screen
- Class Collaborate Ultra Troubleshooting
- Class Collaborate: Accessing Recordings
- Class Conversations
- Collaborate: How students access sessions
- Content Containers in Ultra: Learning Modules, Folders and Documents
- Content Market: Add Third Party Tools to an Ultra Course
- Copying Blackboard Rubrics into your Ultra course
- Copy a Test or Question Bank (Pool in original)
- Copy Content function
- Copy Tests Ultra to Ultra Courses
- Copy Test Questions to Ultra
- Course Analytics and Reports
- Course Banner
- Create accessible content in Blackboard: Getting started with Ally
- Create an Assignment
- Create an Ultra Document
- Create a Discussion
- Create a Discussion on your Ultra course
- Create a Gradescope assignment
- Create a Group Assignment
- Create a Learning Module
- Create a Link
- Create Blackboard Tests
- Create Folders
- Creating and Managing Blackboard Rubrics
- Creating a Turnitin Grading form
- Creating a Turnitin PeerMark Assessment
- Creating Groups
- Customise your Ultra Course
- Editing an IC Blackboard assignment
- Editing with YuJa
- Electronic Management of Assessment
- EMA Integration: Assessment Provisioning Exceptions – Invalid Assessment Title
- EMA Integration: Exams
- EMA Integration: Grade Import Exceptions
- EMA Integration: Grade Import Exceptions – CAM32 Import Exception
- EMA Integration: How do I flag a module as ready in RISIS?
- EMA Integration: On-time and Post-deadline submission points
- EMA Integration: RISIS guides
- EMA Integration: What will the Integration create in Blackboard Ultra?
- Enable delegated marking
- Enable the Teams Meeting tool in a Blackboard Ultra Course
- Expiry and retention of Teams recordings
- External Examiners
- External Examiner Organisations
- Extra time accommodations
- e-portfolios for teaching and learning
- Getting started with Organisations
- Gradebook for Markers
- Gradebook Settings
- Gradescope: Adjusting marks for “best out of” exams
- Gradescope: Adjusting marks where students have a choice of questions
- Gradescope: A Guide for External Examiners
- Gradescope: Bubble Sheet Assignments
- Gradescope: Create an assignment outline
- Gradescope: Create a test student
- Gradescope: Disable Regrade requests
- Gradescope: Giving students extra time
- Gradescope: Hide rubric items
- Gradescope: How students submit work
- Gradescope: How time limits work
- Gradescope: Importing Rubrics
- Gradescope: Link Blackboard and Gradescope courses
- Gradescope: Managing marks and feedback
- Gradescope: Mark submitted work
- Gradescope: providing access for external examiners
- Gradescope: Review grades
- Gradescope: Setting up an Online assignment
- Gradescope: Setting up a ‘Homework/Problem Set’ assignment
- Gradescope: Set up a Rubric
- Gradescope: Set up your rubric in advance
- Gradescope: Sync the Roster
- Grade Approval and Transfer – approving marks for transfer to RISIS
- Groups File Exchange using Ultra Discussion
- How are staff enrolled onto a Blackboard course?
- How students view their Marks and Feedback
- How to copy or import padlets from other accounts
- How to make and share padlets (institutional license)
- How to play videos through Class Collaborate
- How to request a Team for Teaching and Learning
- How to use the course template
- Importing and Exporting Groups
- Import an original course Pool as an Ultra course Question Bank
- Insert Blackboard stock images
- Internal moderation workflow 1: Blackboard Named Marking + Named Moderation inside 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 2: Blackboard Named Marking + Named Moderation after 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 3: Blackboard Anonymous Marking + Anonymous Moderation inside 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 4: Blackboard Anonymous Marking + Named Moderation after 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 5: Turnitin Named Marking + Named Moderation inside 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 6: Turnitin Named Marking + Named Moderation after 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 7: Turnitin Anonymous Marking + Anonymous Moderation inside 15 days
- Internal moderation workflow 8: Turnitin Anonymous Marking + Named Moderation after 15 days
- Internet connectivity and key considerations when working remotely
- Introduction to using Microsoft Teams in Teaching and Learning
- Inviting Guests to a Teams meeting
- Inviting multiple or all students on an Ultra Course to a Teams Meeting
- Key Topics Gradebook
- Key Topic Ultra Course
- Key Topic working with assessments
- Key Topic: Add Content to Ultra Courses
- Key Topic: Blackboard Ultra Assignments
- Key Topic: Collaborate
- Key Topic: Communications in Ultra Courses
- Key Topic: Course codes, roles and access
- Key topic: Discussions
- Key Topic: Learning Activities
- Key topic: MS Teams for Teaching and Learning
- Key Topic: MS Teams meetings
- Key topic: Padlet (university licence)
- Key Topic: Teams Integration
- Key Topic: Ultra Groups
- Key Topic: Ultra Tests
- Key Topic: What is Blackboard ALLY
- Make a Course or Organisation available
- Make videos available with YuJa
- Manage and enrol users
- Managing a Team for collaboration activities
- Managing folder permissions in content collection
- Managing Groups
- Map IC columns in the Gradebook
- Marking assignments with delegated marking
- Marking a Blackboard Assignment
- Marking a Discussion
- Marking Multiple Assignment Attempts
- Marking using “Offline Submissions” function
- Marking with Blackboard Rubrics
- Mark Blackboard Ultra Tests
- Merged Courses and Supplementary Courses
- Messages and Emails in Ultra courses
- Microsoft Teams: managing attendees
- Mode of Submission: Bb duplicate submission
- Mode of Submission: Bb presentation / performance
- Mode of Submission: Bb presentation / performance – manual feedback
- Mode of Submission: Bb presentation / performance (group)
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard assignment
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Assignment (Group)
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Assignment (rolling deadlines)
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Blog
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard discussion forum
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Journal
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Test
- Mode of Submission: Blackboard Wiki
- Mode of Submission: Externally hosted assignment (Study abroad)
- Mode of Submission: Flexible assessment
- Mode of Submission: Gradescope coursework
- Mode of Submission: Hard copy – hand written (exams only)
- Mode of Submission: In-class test (non-electronic)
- Mode of Submission: Multipart submission
- Mode of Submission: Other
- Mode of Submission: Physical Entity Submission
- Mode of Submission: Physical Entity Submission (Group)
- Mode of Submission: Turnitin
- Mode of Submission: Turnitin duplicate submission
- Mode of Submission: Turnitin presentation/ performance
- Mode of Submission: Video assessment
- Mode of Submission: Video assessment (Group)
- MS Forms
- MS Forms: collect student responses (live or offline)
- MS Teams: Controlling who can present
- MS Teams: Making a recording
- Padlet: Acceptable use
- Padlet: Accessibility recommendations
- Pass/Fail modules
- Polls in Microsoft Teams
- Polls (in Padlet)
- Post Student Marks
- Preparing your Blackboard Ultra Course for the new Semester
- Presenting files and Videos to students in Ultra courses
- Print Blackboard Tests
- Programme Administrator access to Blackboard courses
- Recommended tools and settings for online exams 2025
- Recording live online sessions: What do I need to know?
- Recording Tools available to university staff
- Release Conditions
- Release Content to Students
- Reply to a Discussion
- Reusing Blackboard original tests copy advice
- Reusing videos from your Blackboard original course
- RISIS Modes of Submission
- Schedule a Teams Meeting in a Blackboard Ultra Course
- Schools with On-time & Post-deadline submission points: Blackboard assignments
- Schools with On-time & Post-deadline submission points: Turnitin assignments
- Schools with single submission points: Blackboard assignments
- Schools with single submission points: Turnitin assignments
- Send Submission Reminder (Email non-submitters)
- Setting up a Turnitin Grading Form via the Feedback Studio
- Setting up live online sessions via Outlook or Teams calendar
- Set a Discussion as Marked
- Set up YuJa for the first-time use
- Submitting to a Gradescope Assignment
- Supported internet browsers and requirements
- Support and training for MS Teams
- Teams meetings Presenter checklist
- Teams meeting Live Transcript
- Tests in Blackboard Ultra: Key changes
- The Notetaker role in Blackboard
- The School Leader role in Blackboard
- The Student Activity Log
- Tools for Learning Activities: MS Whiteboard
- Tools for Learning Activities: OneNote and Class Notebook
- Transitioning from Stream to YuJa
- Turnitin Assignment – Retrieving Archived Assignments
- Turnitin Quick Submit
- Turnitin Similarity Reports in Blackboard Assignments
- Turnitin Workflow for Administrators
- Turnitin: Access and View Assignments
- Turnitin: Add summary feedback and grade
- Turnitin: Allow submission of any file type
- Turnitin: Annotate a paper with comments and QuickMarks
- Turnitin: Anonymous marking
- Turnitin: Attaching a Rubric or Grading Form
- Turnitin: A staff guide to interpreting the Similarity Report
- Turnitin: A staff guide to viewing the Similarity Report
- Turnitin: Create and Import a qualitative rubric using Excel
- Turnitin: Download Files
- Turnitin: Edit a Turnitin Assignment
- Turnitin: Exporting grades, similarity scores and submission list
- Turnitin: Feedback Studio – add audio feedback
- Turnitin: Hidden Text Flags (in Similarity Reports)
- Turnitin: Marking when students have not submitted online
- Turnitin: QuickMarks – Create a QuickMark Set
- Turnitin: Set up a Turnitin Assignment
- Turnitin: Use a Rubric to provide Feedback Summary and Grades
- Ultra Course and Organisation roles
- Ultra Document Knowledge Check
- Ultra Test Presentation
- Ultra Text Editor
- Ultra: Course Staff list
- Ultra: Making your course content accessible
- Ultra: Student Preview
- Uploading to YuJa
- Upload files to the Course Content
- Using a Turnitin Grading Form to provide feedback summary and grades
- Using Blackboard for Programme delivery
- Using Gradebook to View Assessments on a Blackboard Course
- Using Gradebook to View Student Submissions
- Using Groups in Learn Ultra
- Using Groups in Release Conditions
- Using Question Banks and Pools in Ultra Tests
- Using the Academic Liaison Librarian and Careers Consultant roles in Blackboard
- YuJa Blackboard Assignments
- YuJa Collaborate Connector
- YuJa for Classroom Capture
- YuJa for Personal Capture
- YuJa Quizzes
- YuJa Video link
- YuJa – Search your videos with the Filter Search
- YuJa: Accessing Central University Video Resources in YuJa
- YuJa: Creating Channels, Sub-channels and Playlists
- Yuja: Publishing to the Channel for a Blackboard course
- YuJa: Recording Videos for Personal Capture
- YuJa: Restore Deleted Content
- YuJa: Use Comments to Add Links